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  • Dedicated kay Everyone who believes there could be at least a bit of good in Klaus

Kassandra Chapter 1: Little Doppelganger

Kassandra took a deep breath and sat down across from the young Gilbert girl. Two years Elena had been searching for Kassandra, now it had paid off. Elena was one step closer to finding Stefan and defeating Klaus for the last time.

“Hello little Doppelganger.” Kassandra said politely. Elena was shocked to notice that her voice was so similar to Klaus. They even had the same British -bordering on Irish- accent.

Elena jumped right in with her questions. “What do you know about a vampire named Stefan Salvatore? On the other hand, maybe you would be more familiar with Elijah. How about Klaus?”

Kassandra smirked. “You don’t beat around the bush at all.” Her accent made at all sound like a tall. She sighed. “Stefan I have not heard of. Elijah I have heard of. Klaus I have also heard of. Why do you ask little Doppelganger?”

“Klaus has taken Stefan away. None of us know why either.” Elena grimaced. “Well, we know why but we don’t know what all Klaus is doing with him.”

Kassandra’s interest peeked. “Us?” She asked. “You mean you didn’t find me all by yourself? And here I thought I was speaking with an adult.”

Elena straightened up at that comment. She was an adult. At least she deserved the title after everything she had been through these past years.

“I offended you.” It was a statement, not a question.

Elena waved it off with a shrug. “It doesn’t matter. I need your help Kassandra.” Kassandra began to speak but Elena interrupted. “Don’t play stupid. I know you know Klaus.” She turned a little red. “I’m not offering Kassandra. You have to help me.”

“I have to, do I? I do not think you realize who you are speaking to little Doppelganger. With a flick of my wrist you could be dead child. Who would baby Jeremy have then?”

“Liar. You wouldn’t kill me Kassandra.”

Kassandra stood up. She was over a head taller than the younger woman was. “How are you so sure about that?”

Elena shied away at her powerful tone inside but remained passive on the outside. “Because you’re nothing like Klaus. Nothing like your… lover.”

Kassandra laughed. It was golden and flowed musically. “My lover? Elena, dear, you need to know something. Not only was Klaus my lover but he also happened to be my twin brother.”

Elena’s brown eyes went wide. “That’s… that’s-” She seemed to be at a loss for words.

“Disgusting? Horrific?” Kassandra offered several more words, none of which seemed to fit exactly. “Today it would be considered horrible, but you must understand little Doppelganger, that Klaus and I lived in a very different time. We belonged to a very different family. We still do of course. Klaus and I understood each other on a level no one else could even begin to fathom.”

“Well duh!” Jeremy walked out from behind a door. “The two of you were twins. Of course you understood each other when no one else could! But you two… did it?”

Kassandra laughed once again. “You mean have sex?” She got a mischievous twinkle in her eye. “Perhaps. You will never know.”

Elena pushed all thoughts of how wrong it seemed from her mind. “Do you think you could find Klaus?”

“It would be as easy as breathing.”

Elena sighed in relief. “Great! So last time I heard-”

“But I don’t want to.” Kassandra’s eyes were wide and honest. Elena stopped blabbering and froze in place. “Klaus believes I’m dead little Doppelganger. I would like to keep it that way.” Kassandra walked to the door. “If there is a way to find Stefan without coming in contact with my twin I will do it. Let me know when you figure out how that is possible.” She stepped out in the warm Virginia summer only to stop suddenly when a powerful memory swept through her mind.

“Kass, slow down!” Klaus ran to catch up with his sister. The fall sunlight bleached his brown blonde hair to a lighter color. He finally caught up with her and grabbed her around the waist. Kassandra squealed in delight. “I got you love.” He whispered sweetly.

 The Twins had reached their sixteenth fall. They had already been through their first full moon together and their first hunt as vampires. Klaus and Kassandra sunk down in the cool grass relaxing in each other’s arms. He whispered things in her ear that made her blush in modesty but at the same time vibrate in delight.

“I love you my Kassandra. You will always be mine.” Klaus brushed strands of hair from her face. “You’ve not the slightest of everything I have planned for us. We will be invincible Kassandra. We are the Originals.” He laid her down and kissed her all over her face and neck.

“I love you too Klaus.”

The dream shattered and Kassandra wrapped her arms around herself as if to keep from falling apart. All the bittersweet memories she had repressed were rushing to the surface now. Kassandra needed to get to her hotel room before she collapsed into tears. Elena had not only re-opened wounds but she had poured salt over them. To say that Klaus had taken someone hurt Kassandra. That was not her Klaus. That was not with whom she had grown up.

“Impossible! Absurd! Klaus is good… I can still feel it.” Kassandra opened the door to her black Mustang and climbed in. She slid her sunglasses in place while simultaneously starting the car.

From the shadows Stefan watched the car speed away. He was torn in three. Part of him wanted to tell Klaus about Kassandra while another part of him wanted to go follow her while yet another part wanted to see Elena. He settled on some sort of middle ground. Stefan would keep Kassandra a secret for a while from Klaus. He would tell Klaus later.

In addition, he would avoid Elena and her house from here on out.

KassandraTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon