Chapter 27

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Ally's POV

It was early Sunday morning, I was just sitting down to surf the TV channels and find something I could possibly enjoy watching. But right before I was able to sit down with my bowl of cereal, the doorbell rang.

I sighed and got up, hoping that maybe it was my best friend Gabby, ready to drag me out of the house for something somewhat interesting to do.

But I was wrong, It was Austin, dressed in a pair of grey sweats, and a green T-shirt.

"Hey!" He said with a smile, inviting himself into the living room and sitting down on the sofa; "I thought I'd come hang out with you today."

"I didn't think you would want to go anywhere looking like that," I mumbled, closing the door and taking my place on the sofa.

"Oh I'm not going anywhere else like this," he said; "I thought that since your always alone I would come hang out with you today and do whatever you did... like watch TV."

"So... what if I was leaving what would you have done then?"

"I would have made you come back home with me so I could get dressed," he said; "Anyway your clearly not leaving so what are we gonna watch on TV?"

"I don't know yet," I said, picking up the remote; "Want a bowl of cereal?" I asked.

"That would be delightful thank you very much... what kind of cereal do you have?"

"Fruit Loops, Frosted Flakes, Captain Crunch and Raisin Bran."

"Yum, ew, yum, fucking gross, why would you even let Raisin Bran come out of your mouth?" He said, getting up and making his way into the kitchen; "I'll have some Captin Crunch thank you very much," he retrieved a bowl and poured some cereal into it, then he added the milk, and grabbed a spoon. He returned to his spot next to me, and began eating his cereal.

"Nothing is on," I said after looking through the channel's three times; "here you look," I said tossing the remote at him and grabbing my bowl of cereal.

"Well what makes you think I'm gonna find something if you couldn't find anything?"

I shrugged, and took a bite of my cereal. Half expecting Austin to reply with another snarky comment, but to my surprise he picked up the remote, and began channel surfing.

Austin's POV

After surfing through the channels for a good 5 minutes I gave in and turned off the TV, Ally was right, nothing was on but uninteresting shows. And I wasn't really in the mood to watch a repeat of Tom and Jerry. So we sat in a quite uncomfortable silence for about 5 minutes until Ally couldn't stand the awkwardness any longer.

"So... this week has been... eventful," she said, sending a quick glance my way.

"Yeah. Quite the week if you ask me," I replied, sitting my cereal bowl down on the coffee table and returning the quick glance.

"Can I ask you a question?" she asked.

"Sure, go ahead."

"Why do you think Cassidy hates me so much? I mean I know what she said about seeing you leave my house and all, but that doesn't give her the grounds to hate me and ruin my life in front of the whole school does it?"

I sighed; "You wouldn't quite understand the populars Ally, we pick and choose the people who join us and the ones who do are ordered to listen to us. See in the 8th grade when Cassidy came to our school, we all immidiately had our eyes on her. She was blonde, and perfect in every way. So we took her under our wing and made her feel at home... I totally despised you, and would do anything to make your life a wreck at the time. So one day when she came up to me, asking if she could go sit with you since you looked so lonely... I told her something," I stopped not knowing if I would be able to go on, especially since I knew Ally would hate me for telling her.

"Go on," she pushed.

"I don't know if I can," I admitted, leaning back on the sofa.

"It can't be that harsh I mean what could you have told her?"

"Nothing can we just forget about this?" I asked almost pleadingly.

"But I really wanna know Austin, it can't be that bad!"

"Yes... yes it can be, and it is."

Though I could tell Ally still really wanted to know, she sighed in defeat and laid her head on the arm of the sofa; "So what do you suppose we do now?" She asked.

"I don't know... wanna invite some people over?"

"This is Jessica's house I don't know how she would feel about me inviting random strangers into her house."

"True... we could always go to my place, my mom is out shopping and my dad is knee deep in his work. He's probably not even home."

"Even if we do go to your house that doesn't change the fact that I don't know anyone you know. I'm known as the complete loser of the school. And Cassidy beat me up just last week."

I sighed; "Well I don't know what to say to that," I admitted, slumping over on the couch more; "I think I need a nap."

"Of course you do, when are you never sleeping?"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You fell asleep on our chemistry project yesterday, and I'd only left for 1 minute."

"I needed a cat nap because you were taking too long," I replied narrowing my eyes at her.

"Whatever, I'm tired too... why don't we just take naps and figure out what to do later?"

"Sounds like a bullet proof plan to me," I responded quietly, and lay farther back into the sofa; probably leaning closer to Ally than I should've been.

I closed my eyes, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

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