The Hogwarts Express (1)

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*** Alex's P.O.V. ***

I woke up extra early due to my excitement for today, September 1st, my first day at Hogwarts. I brushed my long silver-blonde hair into a ponytail and stared into my bright blue eyes in the mirror to give myself the "Daily Morning Encouragements," as I like to call them.

"Today is the day you have been waiting for your whole life. Be proud of whatever house you get put into. Hufflepuff is for the loyal, caring, and kind; Slytherin is for the straight-forward, daring, and cunning; Ravenclaw is for the brilliant, intelligent, and people who have a wit for learning; and Gryffindor is for the chivalrous, brave, and nerving. Whatever one you're sorted in, Mother and Father will always be proud," I said, looking at the ceiling. I looked back in the mirror. "Make today great. Mum and Dad are proud of you, too, no matter what. They have told you all holiday. Make great friends. Your Hogwarts career will be great, only if you make it that way." I finished and headed down the stairs for breakfast.

"'Morning, dear," Mum said once I entered the kitchen.

"'Morning, Mum. What are we having for breakfast for this special day?" I replied.

"You and Ron's favorite, French toast." I gasped; she is right, they are my favorite. I sat down at the table next to Ginny. She smiled.

"I can't wait until next year when I go to Hogwarts! You are so lucky that you get to go today!" she said. I chuckled and patted her hand.

"It's alright. The day will come before you know it. You just have to wait." She smiled at me and we stuffed our faces with the French toast. I drank my pumpkin juice and headed upstairs to feed my eagle owl, Nova.

"Hey, girl. Sorry I didn't feed you earlier," I said, putting owl treats in her cage. Once Mum called up the stairs when it was time to leave, I slung my bag over my shoulder, opened the door, and grabbed Nova's cage. I headed downstairs and joined my family. I caught Fred and George just in time when they were about to slip Dumgbombs in my bag. I waved my finger at them and they chuckled. I smiled at my brothers and we all climbed into the Ministry car that Dad rented. It looked like there were two full couches in the car, for our big family I guess. The whole family but Bill and Charlie, who were at work, climbed in the car. Mum seemed relieved that we could all fit. I took my seat next to Ginny and Ron. Ron looked at Nova enviously while holding the hand-me-down rat, Scabbers.

"You're lucky Mum got you a new pet," he whispered so Mum wouldn't hear.

"Hey, you might get a new pet one day when that old thing is gone," I whispered back, pointing at the rat with a missing toe. Ron slipped him into his front pocket and yanked my ponytail. I glared at him and turned to Ginny, who was petting Nova through the cage. I smiled as she giggled when Nova rubbed her cheek affectionately on Ginny's finger.

We got to King's Cross Station pretty quick. Percy, who was in his 5th year, Fred and George, who are both in 3rd year, grabbed a luggage trolley and Ron and I did the same. As instructed by Mum, positioned in between platform 9 and platform 10. When no one was looking, we ran into the wall and immediately entered platform 9 3/4. The red Hogwarts Express had steam flowing out of the top. I smiled with excitement as I kissed Mum, Dad, and Ginny when it was time to board the train. Ron and I found a compartment to ourselves. Fred and George found their friends and Percy wandered off to the prefect compartment.

"Can I join you?" a male voice asked. A hoot came from where he seemed to be. I turned around and saw a boy our age with round glasses over his bright green eyes. A lightning shaped scar peaked out from behind his untidy black hair. I gasped once I knew who it was. I nodded and I asked him my question right away.

"Are you Harry Potter?" I asked. I couldn't help but look at his scar. He nodded.

"My name is Alex Wilson, and this is my brother-" I said, Ron finishing my sentence.

"Ron Weasley. We don't have the same name because..." He trailed off. I was used to this when we introduced ourselves. He didn't know if I would appreciate him telling people that I was adopted.

"I'm adopted," I finished. "My parents died, so I was adopted by my godparents, his parents." Harry nodded and his snowy owl hooted. I couldn't help but laugh when Nova hooted back.

"I think your owl wants to be friends with mine," Harry said, laughing. "Mine is a snowy owl named Hedwig, by the way."

"I love that name. Mine is an eagle owl named Nova." Harry smiled. I smiled back. Ron blabbed on about his dreadful rat. The compartment door opened and three boys our age walked in. The one in the middle had white blonde hair and bright blue eyes. The boys that were next him both had brown hair and were buff. The boy seemed to stare at me for a moment and I smiled at him. He smirked. I am used to getting stared at by boys. It is just part of being half veela.

"We were just visiting every compartment. I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," said the blonde boy. "Oh, and this is Crabbe and this is Goyle." He pointed to the boys on each of his sides. We introduced ourselves and Draco smirked at me once again. My smile lingered after he left and Ron looked at me like I was crazy.

"What are you smiling at?" he asked. "I've heard bad things about his family from Dad." I just shrugged as I felt heat crawl up my neck. "Oh, stop blushing," he said. I glared at him, and the compartment door slid open again. A girl with frizzy brown hair came in.

"A boy named Neville has lost a toad. Have any of you seen one?" she asked. We looked at each other, then back to her, shaking our heads. "My name's Hermione Granger, by the way," she said. We introduced ourselves and she talked to Harry like I had. I noticed Ron stuffing his face with candy and laughed. He smiled, thankfully, with his mouth closed. We changed into our robes once we saw Hogwarts.

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