~Chapter 23~

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Aphmau's POV

I felt a warm feeling. It was comforting. I didn't know what it was, but that didn't matter. I could feel the heat from the fire caressing my face. I moved closer to the warm substance next to me. I rested my head on it. I smiled in my sleep.

This is nice.

I tried to think about what happened last night. I remember Ross and I sitting by the campfire and then...


I open my eyes to see me cuddling up to Ross. It looked like the fire was burning out, and the sun has newly risen.

I widen my eyes, realizing how close I am to him. I quickly let go of him, and I sit up straight.

"R-ross? Why am I-" I then yawn in the middle of my sentence, but I quickly finish. "-here?"

"I think we fell asleep here last night when we were talking."

I then remember Sky telling me about Barney's death, and Ross feeling guilty. I rub my eyes trying not to tear up at the memory.

"I guess we have a knack of falling asleep h-here ey?" I say trying to light up the mood.

"I-I guess we do." He chuckles and looks at our tent.

"How's Sky?"

"He's okay...I think he's having a hard time though. He looked pretty tired after..you know."

He nods his head and stands up slowly. "I'm going to check on him. I'll see you Jess."

"O-okay bye.." I sigh as I watch him leave to the tent. I hope Sky is okay. I know Jin got the worst of it though. Seeing your friend dead like that...he's probably scarred. I can only imagine. I shiver, and I stand up. I mumble, "I think I'm going to see Jin."

I walk to the dirtied tent we had put up, and I unzipped it. I poked my head in to see Jin laying there. I stepped in slowly, being cautious. He was staring at the roof of the tent, not moving.

I slowly walk in, looking at him. I flickers his eyes at me, but not for long.

I sit down next to him, staring at his face. He has major bags under his eyes, and his pupils are cloudy. He looked at me sadly. I could see the pain in his eyes. I put an arm around him, and pulled him closer. He carefully put his head on my shoulder, staring in front of him. I can only comfort him.

Laurence's POV

I was sitting on the cold ground where Sasha was being kept. I was looking at the stone brick floor, remembering the nether. I looked up at Sasha's cell, and she was sitting on her bed, her eyes not really looking anywhere. I stand up, and I walk over to her cell. She looks at me, and sneers. She looks away, staring at her bare feet. I sigh, and I walk out of the dirtied jail. I open the secure door, and I see Dante keeping watch. He looks at me, and I hand him the keys. I start to walk down the gravel path, not going anywhere in particular. I close my eyes as I walk, trusting my senses.

I walk for awhile until I then think that I should open my eyes. I stop, and slowly open my eye lids, exposing my eyes to the sunlight. I then look at where I am.

I'm at my old wyvren's grave.

I look at the remains of what had been stolen. I walk over where my old friend was buried.

I sit down, memories of him flooding into my mind. I start to tear up, but I hold them back. I sigh, then I stand up. I look around, seeing one single Lilac sitting in the sea of grass.

I pick the shining Lilac, and I carefully place it on the grave, praying to Irene. I stand straight again, my eyes still fixated. I turn around, still in a grieving state, stepping onto the rocky path. I close my eyes, and I walk again.

If I could trust my senses the first time, I can do it again.

-Time Skip Brought To You By Garroth's Blinding Blonde Hair-

I crept into my brown and old bed. I pulled the blankets down, sticking my feet under them. I lay down fully, and rest my head on my whitish pillow. I close my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

-Laurence's Dream-

I was standing by the the old tower. I heard a sound and quickly turned around. I don't see anything and I turn back around. I see Aphmau. It didn't really look like her, she had a silver aura around her, and her eyes were dilated. She was walking slowly towards me. Once she came closer, opening her mouth. She sounded like Aphmau, but it was more mysterious.

"We don't need you Laurence. We have never needed you. You're just a lost guy from the Nether. You're evil. How could anyone love you, when Garroth is there?"

I step back and many emotions are going around in my mind. This is what I have feared...

-End of Laurence's Dream-

I wake up with a cold sweat. I had a headache, and my covers weren't on me.

It was just a dream.

I sighed with relief, but I was still wondering why I dreamed that. It seemed so real, but fake at the same time. Does Aphmau really think that? Am I seeing the future?

I shake my head, thinking that I'm ridiculous. Why would she think that? If she thought I was useless, she would've gotten rid of me a long time ago. Yeah, that's it. I'm just being silly.

But I didn't fully believe it.


Yes, Barney is really dead. Sowwy .~.

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