~Chapter 15~

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Hello people of wattpad that have stumbled upon my story. And others xD Anyways, before I start this chapter, I just wanted to thank you guys for all of the amazing comments on my face reveal. I couldn't ask for better people to read my story. Thank you. And now let's get into the chapter!

~Ross's POV~

I was standing next to the unconscious body of Sky. Jess was sitting on the other side of Sky, with her knees pulled up to her chest and her head rested in between them. I could tell she was worn out from the events that have occured today. It must have been painful to carry Sky here. I mean, he isn't the lightest guy. I kneeled down where Sky's back was. I noticed a slight bump coming up from his back. I was curious, so I lifted up his shirt. It then revealed a big red mark on the center of his back with a slight bump in the middle. I called Jess over to see, and when she saw it she looked at me worriedly. "It will be fine. There is supplies on the boat that we can use to help heal this rash that he has on his back."

"But what if we can't get the supplies from the boat?"

"I don't know Jess. I don't know."

~back to present time~

I sighed. I wonder if this is a good idea...I mean, so many things could happen to Jin and Barney when they are going to the boat.... No I have to be confident that they are going to be fine. For Jess's sake. I glance over to where Jess was sitting down. She was staring at the campfire we made. We both made a fire, and dragged some logs next to it so we can relax. We were sitting across from each other. I look at her more closely. I never knew how...pretty she looked. Eh, it was probably nothing. We have been good friends for awhile, and I have even been her son. I smile slightly. Those are good memories. I stand up and I go over to Jess. She glances up to me, but she looks back at the campfire almost immediately. I sit down next to her, and I pull her close to me.

"I'm scared Ross..."

"It's gonna be okay Jess. It's gonna be okay."

And then we fall asleep in each other's arms.

~Sky's POV~

I groggily wake up. What is this throbbing pain coming from my back? I will check it out later. I notice that I'm in a small shelter made out of sticks and leaves. Why is it so quiet? Usually Barney would be talking about...something. At least Ross would crack a joke. I crawl out of the small shelter, and ignoring the pain coming from my back. Once I get fully out, I stand up. I rub my eyes. Is that a...campfire? I walk sleepily towards it, and I see Jess and Ross...cuddling? Jess had her head rested on Ross's chest, and Ross's arm is around her...it looks like there asleep. It's probably nothing, they have been good friends for awhile. But...I still notice a burning feeling in my chest. A desire to be Ross right now. To be holding Jess right now. Is this...jealously? No, it can't be...I don't have feelings for Jess...do I?

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