Chapter 12 - Oh Hell No!

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Chapter 12 - Oh Hell No!


I watched as Nona face planted the floor. I went over to her and carefully laid her in my arms, checking to see if she was alright.

 "Aw mom see what you did. I mean marriage? She's only seventeen, she can't get married yet. Their only kids mom. Besides, that's not even her mate." Nona's dad began to talk in his helpless voice. He tried pleading, but it had no effect on Nona's grandmother.

" Mate or no mate, my granddaughter will get married. She cannot wait any longer you know. She's already seventeen, she was suppose to find her mate ages ago, but he's not here is he? She needs to move on with her life, she needs to be with somebody. I can't have her locked up in her room forever. Anyways it's already  been decided for, right Kevin? " Nona's grandmother asked my dad as he smiled in response.

I was pissed. How can he agree so suddenly to all of this?

" Dad!" I carelessly dropped Nona out from my arms as her face once again came in contact with the floor.

" Hey!" Eliot quickly reached for his sister as a bump from her head grew. He tried patting it down, but it only grew bigger.

" It'll heal." I replied looking back at my dad.

My dad is always one step ahead of me. He knows me inside and out, and I trust him on every decision he makes, but this? I know Nona is my mate, but this is just happening too fast, too soon. 

" Dad how can you just agree so casually? This is marriage your talking about!" I bursted out. I was confused and angry as all these mixed feelings inside me collided. I balled my hands into fist.

" Trent listen to me. Your already eighteen, soon turning nineteen and your still without a mate. I worried for you son, you need a girl in your life. An alpha needs a luna to rule his pack and Nona is perfect for you. That's why I offered Dave the treaty, so she could join our pack and you two could meet." my dad tried to explain.

So that's why he agreed to let her in. No wonder he allowed a new member to join so easily.

I sighed. I could'nt deal with this right now. 

"Dad, I don't understand why your doing this. I'm fine the way things are, I don't need her right now." the words that came out of my mouth sounded sour.

" Now listen here you pansy, only a true man can handle marriage! So just be honored that you can actually marry my granddaughter, for crying out load. I would be surprised if I ever saw a girl kissing your ugly face!' the old hags finger pointed at me, getting closer and closer into my face.

I cracked.

" Wait, did you just call ME ugly? Lady I think you need an eye check because I am far from that." I pointed a finger at myself while putting up my best smile. I slid my fingers through my hair and popped my collar in motion. I thought I would get the reaction I was looking for, but instead I got the exact opposite.

She laughed her ass off.

" Please, you attractive? Did you know you came from ugly town, population you!"

" Well for your information, a couple visits to the plastic surgeon wouldn't kill you." I snickered at my own comment as my dad just yelled at me.

  "Trent!" he yelped as I was still laughing tears through my eyes. That's when I felt a painful pain in my back. When I looked up I saw the old hag swinging her purse at me in ninja action. My eyes were wide open as I could feel every single swing she shot at me, not missing a beat. It was like she was carrying fifty pounds of weights in that thing, because it really hurts. Usually you would think they would be carrying some tissues, or mints, or something light, but damn! I'm not going to lie she swung hard.

  I quickly retreated behind my dad as he just face palmed his face.

"Alright, alright, its getting late and I know were all tired. So can we please handle this situation tomorrow? Now lets get some rest. Dave, you and your wife can stay in the guest room upstairs. Elliot so sorry to tell you this but we only have one guest room left so could you share it with your dear grandmother?" everyone started heading out to there rooms accepting the command, but not before staring at me and whispering to each other in laughs. My dad just waved his hands pushing everyone to the rooms. 

   My dad put a hand over Nona's dad shoulder.

  "Sorry Kevin, really sorry about this I rea-"

" Nonsense Dave, isn't this normal for a family to do, right brother in-law?" my dad just gave a wink as Dave shock his head. The old hag was dragging Elliot towards the stairs grabbing him by the ear. 

" Come Elliot, its past 12.00 already and your not in bed. A growing boy like you needs your sleep, but this time I take the bed you get the floor." Elliot looked like he was about to burst into tears.

" Grandma! Come on, why the floor, there's bugs there! Plus why do I have to bunk with you, this is a pretty big mansion!" Just before he was about to leave he threw Nona into my hands giving a glare that was interrupted with more ear pulling. I directed my eyes toward Nona as I was the only one left in the room. She was breathing calmly like she was dreaming, her black hair was perfectly combed into place as I carried her back upstairs and to my room.. I set her down, carefully into my bed while trying to push away the dirty underwear onto the floor. I placed the silk blue blanket over her while fixing the trajectory of the pillow.

I climbed in next to her.

The moonlight shined against my window onto her face casting a glimpse of her perfect complexion.  She was turned to her side and her back was arched.

I ran my hands through my face. 

Today was a long day. I can't believe this is happening. First I find out Diana found her mate, then I get beat up by an old lady and now Nona and I are suppose to get married!

Nona, my mate...

Why is it so hard for me to accept her. I want to be with her, but something is stopping me.


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