Chapter 3 - Noticed and Seen Are Two Diffrent Things

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Chapter 3 - Noticed and Seen Are Two Diffrent Things


His eyes gazed at me as I gazed at him. When our eyes meant, all my concerns disappeared as he finally noticed the girl that was standing right in front of him. Never in my life have I seen anything so beautiful. All I wanted to do was to be embraced in his arms.

I waited for a movement, for a sign. I wanted something to happen, I wanted him to do something to make me believe that he was real.

But nothing...

He didn't do anything, he just went back to what he was doing. He pretended that he didn't even notice me! It was like I was invisible to him.

I didn't know why but I felt crushed, like what was meant to be didn't happen. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I felt too weak to even lift a finger. 

Trent just continued to playfully tease and hug Diana. She glanced at me, questioning what just happened.

I just smiled a small smile. It was painful, but I did it anyways. My eyes didn't move only my mouth. I was lying to myself but I was okay with it, because I was used to it. It wasn't like it was the first time I did something like this.

I saw Trent glance at me once more, only to see me walking away from him. My mind was clouded and my chest felt tight. I just wanted some alone time, I didn't want people seeing me weak at the moment. I sprinted towards the pack house. I ran past the crowds of people until I finally reached the back door. I rushed up the stairs until I got to my bedroom door.

I opened my room and slammed it shut, flying onto my bed. Unwanted tears spilled on the floor as I buried my face in a pillow.

How is it really possible to have feelings this strong so quickly? I don't even know this guy and already I'm spilling tears for him. It's like there something pulling to him, some sort of string that I'm attached to.

I have never had these feeling for another person before. I just don't know why I have them for Trent though.

What is wrong with me?

I let the silent tears drop until they were dry. I whipped the back of my hand across my eyes and took a big sigh. I took some time to lay in my bed and let myself calm down. When I started getting bored, I slipped off my shoes and replaced my clothes with a loose fitting shirt and sweats that fell loosely to my knees. I tied up my hair in a messy bun and lathered my face with water. My bangs laid helplessly above my eyes as I let them fall.

By the time I was done changing I peered out the window. I noticed that the party was coming to an end as pack members started heading towards their rooms.

The moon shined bright showing off it's crescent form. My wolf demanded to be let out. I looked at the time, 12:00Am, I nodded to myself thinking it would be a good time to do so.

I opened the door and went outside. As I did the wind kissed my face while covering it with my hair. I rushed deeper into the woods as my sandals crushed under the hard mantel of the ground. When I got deep enough I stripped off my clothes and shifted.

My skin was replaced into a dark milky jet black fur that surrounded my entire nude body. My face molded into a long muzzle, and I was on all fours. I stretched my body putting my upper legs out and sticking out my back. It felt nice to run around in my wolf form. To me I feel invincible. No harm can be done to me. I'm strong. Not like my human form, weak and hopeless.

It's just my personality I suppose.

My inner wolf ran around letting the cool air take over. My ears flapped as my hind legs pounce around. The smell of dirt and pine took over my nose as a yelp of happiness cried inside me. I didn't know why, but I just kept running and running, feeling the wind in my fur. It relaxed me even on my darkest days.

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