Chapter 4 - You Say Were Mates, But You Dont Act Like One

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Chapter 4 - You Say Were Mates, But You Don't Act Like One


I dropped my jaw and gasped.

My mate...


This guy....


Trent took amusement to my expression as I socked in all of the information into my mind. How could I have been so idiotic! Of coarse he is, all the mixed emotions, the crying, the feelings. I'm such an idiot! The signs were right there under my nose and I choose to deny them.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! I growled at myself for not being observant enough.

Trent took another session of laughing as I stood there hitting myself in the forehead with my palm.

" I see you handled that well." he continued.

" Well I expect to keep this mates thing as our little secret." he said breaking eye contact but still having a smile on.

" What do you mean?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

" I mean that you won't tell anyone that were mates."

" Why." I asked again feeling disappointed with his words

" Because I don't really want anyone to know about us..." he told me while scratching his head.

" Oh..." I looked down. Why doesn't he want anyone to know.

Is he embarrassed about me?

" Don't take it like it's a bad thing but..."

" But what?" I asked observing his face, looking for a clue of what's going on. His face twisted into pain but he wouldn't budge.

" Look it's dark out we should get some sleep, I'll take you back" he told me as he started up the path. I decided to drop the conversation and follow him as I stared at his back. Watching him with every movement of my eyes. The whole trip was quite and not even a breath was heard. Just the crunching of twigs and the chirping of birds.

When we got back to the pack house I grabbed my clothes and started toward the front door when I discovered that it was locked! I pulled side from side but it wouldn't budge open. I saw Trent go through a window. Probably his room.

My room is in the second floor!

" Trent..." I whispered being careful as ever. He looked back through his window.

" What?" he asked with hazy eyes as he yawned.

" The door is locked!" I replied trying to pry it open once again.

" What do you want me to do about it?"

" Um, Help Me!"

" Get in." he sighed, rolling his eyes in annoyance. He opened the window just so I could fit through. As I got in his room a foul stench steeped through my nose.

" Eww!" I pinched my nose in disgust.

" What now?"

" What's that stench?" I asked about to gag.

" Never been to a boys room huh?" he asked smirking.Well actually it was too dark to even see anything but I can tell it was a smirk.

" I don't think I want to ever again." I mumbled.

" Wiss." he told me while spraying a relaxing aroma that allowed me to gasp for air.

"Better?" he asked sarcastically

"Alot!" I smiled.

" Yeah well, the exit is that way" he pointed at the door while falling onto his bed. He stretched out his body and waved his hand at me to leave.

Arn't you just a good mate.

I sighed taking slow steps. It was dark and I was afraid of stepping on his stuff. Step after step I tried to reach for the door when...


I tripped over something sticky! 

I whimpered in pain as I felt my bruised knee. I knew I couldn't make it back upstairs and I was too tired to try. I crawled back to Trent and climbed in his bed. 

I went to his side and buried my face in his chest.

He growled but found out it was only me.

"What happened?" he asked, getting up from the bed.

"Your room is filled with booby traps, did you know that. You should really clean up." I commented.

"No thanks, if I know where everything is then their is no need to involve myself into cleaning." Trent laughed as I grunted.

"Yeah well I got hurt thanks to you!" I pointed at the bruise and my knee and pouted.

"Nona your a werewolf, get over it. It's going to heal in like one minute. Go back upstairs."

I shook my head.

"Nooo! I don't want to. I want to stay here, with you and your messed up room." I whinnied as I snuggled deeper into his side.

In reality I didn't want to leave. I really did want to stay next to Trent.

He sighed and placed a blanket over my body.

We laid there in the dark, skin touching skin. I could tell that Trent already went back to sleep as his snores buzzed in my ear. Suddenly he shuffled around in the bed and his arm was positioned around my waist. I froze as sparks of electricity shot up my body. My muscles soon started to calm down as I too found my eyes drooping shut. 

Mate anybody?

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