Chapter 5 - Wakeup to A Nightmare

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Chapter 5 - Waking Up To A Nightmare


Sunshine splattered through the window and blasted against my face. I stretched my arms taking in a whiff of air through my lungs. I opened my eyes to see an unfamiliar room of an unfamiliar place.

Where was I?

I looked down to see that I was only wearing a shirt. A man's shirt to be exact.

I began to panic when suddenly it hit me! Last night was when.....

Oh my Gosh!

I shot my body forward looking back at Trent's face! He smirked his famous smirk while shoving his way onto the bed.

" Good sleep?" he asked as his head laid on a pillow next to mine.

" Surrrrre..." I slurred taking in another yawn.

" Yeah well get out! You hogged all the bed last night and now my back hurts!" he whinnied while murmuring as I got out. I escaped through his door and slowly crept upstairs to my room were I frantically shut the door.

I sat on the floor smiling like a goof ball. I bit my lip remembering Trent's arms around me as his breath clouded my air stream. It was a peaceful scene that was now engraved into my head. That was probably the best sleep I ever had in my life! Me and my mate, together in a room! I blushed as I place both my hands over my cheeks.


To tell you the truth I have never imagined myself having a mate. It didn't really bother me that I didn't have one, but it wasn't like I didn't want one.. Whenever I saw my parents, they always looked happy together. That was practically the only time they ever looked happy.

It was intriguing to know that some where out there in the world, your connected to someone who is your mate. Their your lover, companion and your best friend. In your one lifetime, you only have one mate, and I found him.

I found my mate.

I took a shower and dried my self off. I changed into a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, and a white frilly blouse. I combed my hair and went down stairs to the kitchen making sure everything was in place before entering.

As I reached my destination, I noticed that a couple of the teenage pack members were already dressed and eating breakfast. They looked at me with unsettling expressions as I watched them turn their attention towards me. There stares caused me to awkwardly enter the kitchen and sit down in a chair far away from the group.

"Good morning everyone!" yelled a load voice from behind me. I turned around only to discover that it was the one and only Diana.. She saw me and instantly grabbed a hold of my arm.

"Nona!" she yelped, moving my seat closer to the other teens. She grabbed two bowls containing some sort of cereal and poured milk on top of them. I thankfully stuffed the food into my mouth and avoid any conversations with Diana while sets of eyes were now on us.

Why are they staring at us, do I have something on my face?

I touched my cheeks to see if I had accidentally gotten mascara on it, but there was nothing there. I glanced back and met a set of green eyes. It was Arron, the boy from the party last night. He waved his hand at me as I waved back.

I wanted to go over to him and talk, but I knew I would have been to awkward. He was surrounded by other pack members and I didn't want to bother them.

" Did you have a good sleep?" Diana asked, smiling at my mouthful of cereal.

I nodded making sure my mouth was kept full.

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