Chapter Eighteen - The Unwelcome Guest

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Chapter Eighteen

"What're you thinking about?" Melody asked, watching Snape thoughtfully pinch his nose as she perched on the edge of the bed, him leaning against the wall on the other side of the room. He glanced up from the floor, lips twitching into a smirk. He said nothing, merely raised an eyebrow to which she grinned in response. "I could give you something to think about..."

"Oh?" He was smirking fully now, fingering the cuffs of his sleeve as she smiled lazily at him.

"Come here, let me show you..." She leant back on the bed, leaning on her down turned palms as she raised both of her legs onto the bed. Her seductive smile broadened when Snape came to stand before her, eyes running up and down the entire length of her body. He moved in slightly and she grabbed him by the collar, dragging his face roughly down to hers so that there was barely a centimetre between their lips. "What is going on in your mind right now?"

"Guess." He growled, fingers trailing across her bare arms and stroking the straps of her black silk dress. She fell fully onto her back, leg rubbing against his as he knelt upon the bed, knees either side of her hips. His mouth made contact with her neck as she desperately dragged her fingers through his hair, pulling him tighter to her chest. Just as his kisses trailed up towards her lips she pushed him away and he looked at her, startled. She stood up, a metre away from the confused Professor and grinned.

"You seem to be having a little trouble Professor, let me help you..." She stepped out of her dress, standing before him in black lace underwear that defined her curved figure. She smirked as his eyebrows rose slightly and his eyes widened, struggling to take all of her in at once. "Now, what are you thinking about?" She sashayed towards him, his eyes never straying from her hips as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I think you know exactly what I'm thinking of." He murmured, hands rising to capture her waist, fingers stroking the lace of her underwear as she brushed the buttons of his robe with her fingertips, slipping them out one by one until the black fabric dropped to the floor, leaving him standing in a pair of long black trousers and a somewhat tight white shirt.

"I don't think I do... Care to enlighten me, Professor?" She breathed, nibbling his earlobe as his hands pressed her against him by holding the small of her back gently. In one swift move her leg was up by his waist and wrapped around him, making their hips collide. Before she could make another flirtatious comment his lips were pressed against his and she smiled into his kisses.

He pushed her until her back was against the post of the bed, his mouth moving down her neck and onto her bare chest as she undid the top button of his shirt. She pulled his head up so that their noses were touching and planted a fleeting kiss upon his tender lips, savouring his taste as she began to move down his neck, red lipstick claiming his pale skin.

Just as she began to unbuckle his trousers an echoing yell sounded from downstairs, causing them to pull apart, eyes wide, and stare at each other - Both somewhat fearfully.

"SNAPE! I KNOW YOU'RE HERE!" The male voice bellowed as Melody clicked the wardrobe door shut, only able to see by a small slither of light coming from the faultily put together woodwork, through which she watched as the bedroom door was flung open.

"What is it Malin?" Snape said calmly, having tucked his shirt into his done up trousers and smoothed down his rumpled hair.

"So this is where you've been hiding then." The man snorted, limping over the threshold as a tangle of greasy, limp grey hair covered the one eye not obscured by an obscenely ragged strip of leather, his excuse of an eye patch. His yellowing, chipped teeth poked from his rancid mouth as he leered at an unruffled Snape.

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