Chapter Three - Postal war

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Chapter Three

"So, can anyone tell me the charm for repelling a Dementor?" Snape was standing at the front of the class, surveying the array of students with disdain. On one side sat the Slytherins, not even bothering to pay attention as they slouched lazily in their chairs or chatted to one another. On the other side sat the Gryffindors, shuffled over as to be as far away from the Slytherins as possible. They were all sitting bolt upright, frantically flicking through textbooks and writing hurried notes - They didn't want to lose any more points.

Hermione was almost out of her chair, hand thrust straight up into the air, face contorted with concentration. Professor Snape completely overlooked her raised hand, raking his eyes across the classroom, the Gryffindor side at least, to see who would react worst if he were to pick on them.

"No-one? How disappointing." His lip curled into a harsh smirk as his gaze settled on a girl sitting at the far back of the room. She was stooped over her desk, quill being nibbled in her mouth as ink dribbled everywhere. Her long, auburn hair hung in a protective curtain over her face as her eyes darted across the page in front of her. "How about you Miss Weasley?" Ron nudged his sister, causing her to knock over the ink pot in alarm. Luckily Hermione was sitting on her other side and managed to clear it up before Snape could make some witty remark.

"W-What?" She mumbled, pulling the chewed quill from her mouth and staring directly at him.

"If you were paying attention last lesson Miss Weasley, instead of being a smart mouth, then you would know that a Patronus charm is what you would use to repel a Dementor. Does that jog your trivial memory, or perhaps extending your detention would be more effective." Melody scowled at the Professor who was now smirking in her direction.

"I'm terribly sorry Professor." She sneered, pulling herself upright and brushing her hair over her shoulder. Professor Snape watched her with interest, waiting for the onslaught that would usually occur when he dared insult her. But there was none.

"Now, I want you to turn to page seven hundred and three and read the passage about the effects a Dementor has on any creature unfortunate enough to encounter them. I want this done in absolute silence, that includes you Potter." He spat his name with disgust as Harry glanced away from where he was having a hushed discussion with Ron and gave him a disgruntled look. When Melody happened to glance over to hear what they were talking about, Harry quickly shoved something back into his bag and insisted it was nothing - Something she didn't believe for one second.

"I said turn to page Seven Hundred and three!" Melody uttered a silent scream as the book in front of her stuttered into life and the pages began to turn violently of their own accord. There was a loud bout of sniggering coming from the other side of the classroom as Snape put his wand away with atriumphant grimace.

"Shut it Malfoy." Melody growled, sizing up her opponent as everyone watched them with fascination. Draco grinned mischeviously at her, silently sliding his wand from his pocket and twirling it somewhat menacingly in his hand.

"I'd be careful if I were you Weasley. You're already missing out on the trials, so Professor Snape would be more than willing to let you miss out on the Quidditch match too." He quirked an eyebrow and Melody's skin went strangely pale, causing the smattering of freckles across her nose to stand out more.

"Stupid git." She muttered under her breath once he had turned away and Snape was busy scolding one of the students at the front of the class. "He would as well."

"Who would what?" Ron asked, rubbing his forehead to rid it of a sizeable ink stain but only succeeding in spreading it further.

"Snape would stop me going to the first Quidditch match of the season." Hermione perked up and gave her a broad smile.

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