Chapter Seventeen - A Home Visit

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Chapter Seventeen

"You know what we agreed Mum, I'm going off and I'll meet you all back in the Leaky Cauldron this afternoon." Melody stepped out of the Ministry Member escorted car and basked in the mid spring sunlight. Her eyes would have reflected the beauty of the azure, sparkling sky had they not been the same magnificent colour.

"Ok sweetie, just promise me you'll stay safe! Can't you take someone with you-"

"I'll be fine Mum." She kissed her on the cheek before flouncing away before her mother could drag her back. "I can take care of myself, I'm a big girl now!" She was too far away to hear her mother's comment as she disappeared into the thronging crowds.

She swiftly became camouflaged within the bustling wizards dressed in the most lurid and extravagant of outfits. Her bright auburn hair pulled beneath a fraying woollen hat did little to make her stand out against the oddities that Diagon Alley presented on the last day of the Easter Holidays.

Sighing exasperatedly as a steady stream of people blocked her way down a narrow side street she doubled back and looped around a group of somewhat rowdy first-years as they huddled around the gleaming window of Quality Quidditch Supplies.

"Move it!" She growled, pushing one of them out of the way and stopping when the young boy fell into the next one and they all fell like dominoes with disgruntled shouts and yells. She began to run, trying to stifle her giggles as they went to get up but fell on top of each other again, Potion supplies and owl feather quills flying everywhere.

Thundering down the now empty back alley she smirked at the sudden chill in the air and watched as a dark shape emmerged. She stopped running and came to an abrupt standstill, only a metre away from the cloaked figure whose hood was low over their face, only just showing two coal black eyes peering out of the darkness.

"And what is a young... beautiful girl like you doing down here, alone then, hmm?" The stranger growled, stepping closer and stroking one long, bony finger down her cheek as she looked away, small smirk twitching the corner of her lips. "You shouldn't be wondering about without your father and mother... Who knows what might happen? Who knows what kind of madman you might encounter..."

"You'd know a lot about madmen, wouldn't you? Being one yourself." The man growled, something that sounded oddly like a small bout of laughter.

"Feisty one, aren't you?" He leered, cupping her chin in his hand and tilting her head so he could peer into her sparkling eyes, stroking her nose softly with one finger which she tried to bite. "You ought to be put back into your place."

"And where is that then? Slaving over you?" She sneered, lips dangerously close to his as his curled slightly. "Obeying your every wish, following your every will, fulfilling your every desire."

"It depends on what my desires are..."

Their mouths met, noses brushing as he gently caressed her soft cheeks with his cold hands. He pressed her against the wall, stepping closer when a heavily robed man brushed past, hissing profanities at them in a low, grumbling voice which they both ignored.

"Oh, I think I know." With a crack they apparated, tongues colliding as she slipped the hood from his head and revelled in running her hands through his ebony tresses. His fingers traced the contours of her scantily clad body as they landed softly on the pavement.

He barely had time to open the door when she threw him practically to the floor, dragging him roughly up the stairs as she fumbled with the clasping of his trousers as he kissed her harder. She released him roughly on the bed and snarled.

"Now I've got you right where I want you." Professor Snape looked up into her eyes and smirked.

"Won't Mummy and Daddy wonder what you've been doing? Naughty girl..."

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