"I love you too, Mom." She hugged her tight, then turned to her father. "Bye, sweetie. Don't get into too much trouble, will you?" She chuckled and gave her dad a hug. My view was then blocked by Bella, who was now looking at me. "Take care of my daughter," she said. I remembered those words. Those were the words she said when the Volturi came, and I almost had to take Ness. That was when she looked about nine, though. I wasn't rushing for her to grow up so I never got mad that I didn't get to run away from her. All I wanted was for her to be happy.

I nodded as they took off, leaving me and Renesmee looking into abyss. She took my hand as we walked into the airport. There wasn't such a big line, it would be about fifteen minutes or so to get our flight registered. We only had carry ons, so we didn't have to go through all of that "I can't find my bag!" mess when we got there. Not that it wasn't very hard just to replace everything that was prior in that bag no problem, but it was just easier. Plus we wanted to act as humane as possible. I think I was better at that than her.

Soon enough we were waiting for our flight in the lobby. "Do you, ever like–not like me? I mean like is there something about me that you don't like that I can change?" she asked. Honestly, the one thing that I didn't like was that she had insecurities like this. I don't understand why girls don't realize that what they see in the mirror is beautiful, inside and out. And they always think they're being selfish by calling themselves beautiful. Why can't that understand that guys like confident girls? Ones that can just come up to us and say, "I think I'm beautiful." But not one girl is like that, not one is perfect. Except for this gorgeous one beside me, the one I don't even know how I got to have her.

"Renesmee, are you seriously asking that? You are perfect," I said, but she shook her head in disagreement. "You always say that." I clenched my eye brows together. "Then what do you want me to say, you're ugly?" I could tell she didn't want to start an argument, so I dropped it. "It's okay, Jake," she said as she read my expression. I smiled as she smiled back. We wanted to have fun, not get into arguments. That wasn't what we were here for.

Our flight finally called and we got up to board the plane. The plane wasn't small, but it wasn't very large either. We got in our seats, which were first class, (thanks to Edward) so there was a tv and bigger seats for us. We sat together with my arm around her for a long long time. She'd eventually fall asleep from time to time, and the flight attendant came with food every two hours and asked if we were hungry. It was a six hour flight, so we had a lot of spare time on our hands. I could tell she was hungry for blood by her eyes. But every time I asked her if she was okay, she said she was more than okay and that she's never felt better. I knew it wasn't entirely true but I went along with it.

When we got there, they led us off the plane first. We didn't need to worry about the grab bag (thank god) and so we just checked out and headed off to our new place for three days. It was about three o'clock so we still had a bit of free time. We drove around until she pointed out a mall. I rolled my eyes, but she continued to plead. "Come on, please? I never go to the mall!" She looked at me with those big brown eyes, and I couldn't resist. "Fine," I had to say, and she was thanking and hugging me all while I parked.

I let her go to the shops she wanted. I offered to pay for most things she wanted, but of course she didn't listen. The only thing I did buy, which was the last thing any guy could possibly buy, was a build-a-bear. She made me get a Batman bear as she got Superman. It was kind of a ripoff, though, I mean twenty dollars for a stuffed bear you can get for five at Walmart? But she said they were special, like you get to have clothes and furniture for them or some crap. But I listened, because I wanted her happy, and that's all I cared about.

"Please just let me pay Ness," I said. "No no no I want to!" she explained. I just rolled my eyes and went on with it. Finally, we left. She didn't buy much things, which didn't make sense to me because we looked at so many stores. But it was her first time. So I gave it to her.

When we got to Isle Esme, everything was beautiful. There were streaming lights, a white couch and bed, a little kitchen with a peach island, a sitting area, and many dressers. But the most beautiful thing, was, the moon. It shined bright in front of Renesmee, after we had put our swimsuits on and swam in the ocean. She has never looked the most beautiful. She looked at me and chuckled as she wrapped her arms around me and said, "I love you." I smiled with the tingle down my spine. "I love you too."

After a while Ness fell asleep on the sand, laying on my shoulder. I carried her to the bed, but I didn't go to bed. I decided to make my plan. I was going to wait until the day after tomorrow to show her, but I needed to go ahead and get everything ready. The only thing that was left was the answer to the question that was going to change my life forever.

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