Can't forget about you (Pack)

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This one is gonna be a little bit different, but hopefully good. So um, just- hold onto your hats

"Stiles! Wake up! I gotta go, you wanted to be awake before I left!" Sheriff Stilinski yelled up the stairs. Stiles grumbled as he lay in his bed, he turned over and hid his face in the pillow until he remembered what day it was.

"I'm up!" He shouted down to his dad as he leapt out of bed and ran frantically around his room, trying to get dressed. "Jeans, jeans where- where are my jeans?" He questioned himself as he looked all around his room, finally finding them on his bed.

"Okay! Keys, wallet, phone. Okay" Stiles whispered to himself as he walked down the stairs and towards the door, "Shoes, Stiles" his dad reminded him. "Right" Stiles quickly slipped his shoes on, "Bye dad" he muttered, giving a quick kiss on the sheriffs head.

"See ya later" the sheriff said as he watched his son sadly, Stiles ran out the door, quickly into the Jeep and starting it up. "Right, flowers" Stiles pulled up to a little shop with millions of flowers displayed outside it.

"Uh, five roses, and uh- six of these" Stiles pointed out the roses he wanted, and then picked a random flower he thought looked nice, not caring for the name or the price.

"That will be $12" the lady behind the counter said as she wrapped up his flowers into a bouquet. "Thanks" he smiled politely at her as he threw a $20 bill at her and took the flowers, running out and into the Jeep again.

Stiles had quite a long drive ahead of him, his destination was on the other side of Beacon Hills, and he still had one more stop to make. He stopped at the nearest grocery store, running in he grabbed two bottles of water and a packet of crisps. He quickly paid and then made his way back to the Jeep as he checked the time on his phone. 10am.

Driving as quickly as he possibly could without getting pulled over, after driving for 45 minutes he finally made it. Where you ask? The Beacon Hills cemetery.

Today marks three years since his friends died. Although he visits their graves every week, today is special, hence Stiles bought flowers. "Uh hey guys" Stiles whispered, a sad little smile on his face as he stopped at each grave, dropping of flowers.

A rose for each of the girls, and one of the other flowers for the guys. "Uh Peter said he'll be here at 1, Parrish and my dad, Mr Argent and Mama McCall said they'll be here as soon as they finish work. I hope you guys don't mind, I thought I'd spend the day with you today" Stiles explained as he sat in front of all the grave stones that mark his friends- and his girlfriends'- graves.

"(Y/N) I- I still love you so much. Scott, you'll always be my brother. I can't forget about you guys. I love you all so much and I wish you'd never gone to that stupid fight. I wonder what things would've been like now if you were still alive" Stiles whispered as his voice cracked, tears beginning to trail down his cheeks.

Suddenly Stiles felt a hand on his shoulder, looking up he saw Peter stood there next to him. "They um- They're still here you know, always will be. As long as you keep them in your uh your heart, they'll never be gone" Peter stuttered as he tried to find the right words to say, he never was good at sympathy but he'd still always try, especially now when Stiles needed it the most.

"Yeah" Stiles whispered as he stood up next to Peter, what they didn't know, and couldn't feel was that the whole pack, the same ones that were buried right in front of them, were also stood with them. Right beside them, Scott- even though he knew it would freak Stiles out if he felt it- put his hand on Stiles left hand.

"You'll always be my brother too Stiles" Scott whispered. What he didn't know was that Stiles felt his hand, and heard his voice. He'd never tell anyone, they might throw him into Eichen house or lock him in his room, but he had heard Scott and he knew that he would always be there with him, wherever he went.

Okay um. I hope you like it? Also, I've made a decision and I won't be putting authors notes into this book anymore, I'll be doing them at the end of the imagines and stuff like this still but, I won't be posting in here saying "sorry I haven't been posting" or anything.

So if I haven't updated in this book or any book for ages, just check my book called My life cause I might have posted something in there, which I have actually, if you wanna check it out now guys, feel free.

That's all for now, I'll see y'all later. Love you my lil penguins xxxxx

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