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"Isaac!" I giggled as Isaac relentlessly tickled my sides. "Kaits!" Isaac mimicked me, smirking as he tickled me further.

"If Allison knew you were in here, she'd kick your ass" I smiled, knowing we shouldn't be with each other tonight, considering it's our wedding day tomorrow. (Heheh, plot twist)

"It's a risk I'm willing to take" he smirked as he placed a kiss on my forehead. "I love you Isaac, but you gotta go, I need to sleep!"

"I love you too Kaits but you and I both know you can't sleep when I'm not here" he smiled as he said it. I shook my head slightly before climbing in under my bed covers with Isaac.

*time skip*

"Kaaaaaits" Allison cooed, gently waking me up, "It's time to get up now" she smiled at me as I opened my eyes.

I sat up and stretched before getting out of bed and pulling on a robe. "Come on" Allison giggled as she took my hand and led me downstairs to where the hairdressers were waiting.

"Morning Lydia" I yawned as I saw her down there waiting along with the hairdressers. "Morning little one" she joked, "sit down right here, Allison you can sit here and I will go when you are done" Lydia said as she gestured to my seat.

I sat down and the hairdresser immediately got started on my bed hair, halfway through Lydia passed me a cup of coffee (I'm sorry, Idk what to put. If you don't like coffee(like me) then do tell:-)) I smiled up at her, taking a quick sip and beginning to feel myself wake up.

Around an hour and a half later, the hairdresser left, not even five minutes later Allison and Lydia dragged me upstairs and into my room to see my wedding dress.

They had picked it out for me, I unfortunately, had nothing to do with finding and choosing a dress, it was all a surprise to me.

"Okay, are you ready?" I nodded enthusiastically, Lydia and Allison giggled before they allowed me to see the dress I'd be wearing today.

"Go ahead," Lydia said, allowing me to take it out if the dress bag myself. Slowly I unzipped the bag and gasped, taking a step back as I placed my hand over my mouth.

"Do you like it?" Allison asked worriedly as she looked at my reaction. "I love it" I whispered, in front of me was a beautiful floor length white dress, around the middle of the dress was fabric, and the straps were two creamy coloured pieces of fabric that contrasted slightly, and nicely, from the rest of the dress. (Pic below/ also in media bit at the top or where ever it is)

 (Pic below/ also in media bit at the top or where ever it is)

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