'I hate you'- No you don't (DaniellexStiles)

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Book votes: 1.01k I LOVE YOU ALL TO PIECES. Thank you guys, you're all amazing and beautiful, don't ever forget that.

danielle3042 this is your personal, hope you like it love, if not I'll rewrite it.

I groaned as I stood up from my comfy position on the couch at Scott's house, I looked over at him and he was out of it completely, mouth agape, snoring lightly and sprawled out on the chair.
I walked over to the front door which was being abused every thirty seconds with loud knocks, it's a wonder how Scott was sleeping through it all. I opened the door only to come face-to-face with Stiles and his raised fist, apparently ready for another round of knocking. Also apparently not expecting me to answer the door because it took him a full minute for him to say "Where's Scott?"
"Crashed out on the chair" I said as I pointed to the living room where Scotts snores were coming from. Stiles sighed and literally barged past me and walked into the room. I sighed as I shut the door and started towards the room again, but stopped at the door when I heard my name.
"I don't like her being here" Stiles said, "Who, Danielle? Stiles, she's a good friend, she is my good friend" Scott said. "Yeah, yeah I know but-" Stiles started, "No. Stiles, c'mon it's Christmas eve, just be nice to her for two days, that's all I'm asking" Scott interrupted.
"I'm sorry Scott, I don't know if I can do that, I mean she's so annoying. She's always hanging out with us, I mean doesn't she understand that we need a break sometimes" he said. I sighed as I kept listening to this idiot talk about me behind my back.
"She's not annoying, and we don't need a break from her-" Scott said, and Stiles sighed, but I let out a strangled sob and walked out the front door, slamming it behind me because I didn't want to listen to him anymore.
I didn't have anywhere to go though, I'm staying at Scotts house, my parents aren't at home and I forgot my keys, like an idiot. I just walked around until I ended up at a park a little bit away from Scotts house. I sat on a swing and just let my mind wander.

*time skip to Christmas day*

I walked downstairs and into the living room, with four Christmas bags filled with everyone's presents in my hands and I was met with Scott and Isaac asleep on the floor, surrounded by wrapping paper and tags, also sellotape and scissors.
"Guys" I said as I placed my bags on the couch, "Guys!" I said a little louder this time. They both jumped up and looked frightened before they realised it was only me. "Merry Christmas Danielle!" They yelled.
"Merry Christmas guys!" I yelled back as they attacked me with a big hug. A second later the doorbell rang and Isaac went to get it and immediately the pack came running in, in their PJs and carrying bags, I guess filled with presents.
"Merry Christmas Danielle", Lydia said as she hugged me, "Merry Christmas Lydia, nice PJs" I smiled as i pulled back from our hug. She smiled too and said "Thanks babe, yours too" I giggled and then abruptly stopped when I saw Stiles standing directly begind Lydia, looking straight at me.
"Danielle, can I talk to you alone for a minute? Please" he said, loud enough for everyone to hear, and spare glances towards both me and Stiles.
I nodded despite myself and then followed Stiles upstairs and into the first room, which happened to be mama McCalls bedroom. "What do you want?" I asked as I turned around to face him, and angry expression on my face.
"I know you heard what I said yesterday" Stiles said, I looked at him, tears forming in my eyes. "You've called me a lot of things in the past, I think I can deal with a few more on the list" I said, biting my lip to try and stop the tears from falling.
"Danielle, let it off your chest" he said as he looked at me, "I hate you" I whispered as the tears endlessly fell down my cheeks. He half smiled as he lifted his hand and cradled my cheek in his palm, as his thumb ran just under my eye, wiping away my tears.
he looked into my eyes before whispering "No you don't" he leaned in towards me, and I backed up a little before he moved his hand from my cheek to the back of my neck. He leaned in again and I whispered "I should- I should hate this. I should hate you, but you're right. I- I don't" he placed his lips on mine, and when we pulled back a minute later, he whispered "Merry Christmas Danielle"


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