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Ryan's POV~

A fly buzzed over my head, annoying the crap out of me. All I could think of is how cruel my parents were with me. I didn't know what to do so they could change. Somehow I felt like the fly.

Just flying around annoying everyone in my path. I pulled out a newspaper an rolled it up.

My parents were like the rolled up newspaper.

And I was the little dirty fly.

I swat the fly with one blow killing it in the instance. It came crashing to the ground staying still forever. Deep down I felt bad for killing the annoying thing but I just had to kill it.

I guess that's how my parents felt about me. The little good memory that I remember in my childhood about my parents was probably the time when I was born. While normally people forget the first few years of their lives, I can remember when I was born.

My mother's eyes were tender and sweet and my father smiled like never before. They were proud of me. I remember opening my eyes for the first time and seeing my mother full of joy with tears in her eyes. After that my mind went in a blur. I don't know what time my parents stopped seeing me the same way.

"Hey Ryan!"

I ran to my window at the call of my name. Sammy stood below my window looking up at me.

"What happened to you? I've been looking for you all over school." She called out.

"Climb up on my window so I can tell you." I waved for her to get up.

She nodded and found a ladder leaning against near the garage. She brought it over and placed it by my window. She swifty climbed the ladder and sat on my window.

"What happened to you?" She asked.

"Mrs. Trinity sent me home early." I shrugged and sat next to her by the window.

"Did you get suspended?"

"No not at all. Mrs. Trinity just sent me home and that's all."

"That's weird." She gave a small snort. "I wouldn't have ever thought Mrs. Trinity be a cool person."

"I'm just glad she let me go." I smiled at the memory.

"Do your parents know what happened?" Sammy asked.

"My mother is not home and my father is somewhere inside drunk. They don't realize what is happening to me." I sighed like always whenever I think how my parents don't worry about me. "Enough of them tell me what I miss." I changed the subject.

"Nothing much." Sammy made her lips go straight. "Just the epic talk of the party from last night and the announcement for prom night."

"Who is prom queen and king?" I asked curiously.

"Cody Smallwood obviously." She squirmed and smiled.

Of course Cody.

He was like a greek god fallen from the sky and has every girl drooling for him.

Even Sammy.

Though she tries to hide her girly side, I cant help but mentally laugh at the faces she makes when ever Cody is mentioned.

"And queen?" I cocked an eyebrow.

I was actually quite interested who this year queen was going to be. Even so I was practically the nobody of the school, I still had this bad side when it came to girls.

"Just some girl." Sammy gagged. "By the last name Scott."

"Scott? Who's her?"

"How am I suppose to know?" Sammy flapped her arms around. Clearly she was envying the new queen.

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