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Norman's POV~

"Elizabeth!" I banged on her door of her house.

Blasted fear ran through me as the seconds ticked by and she never opened her door.

"Elizabeth please answer me!" I yelled in frustration.

Something in me told that Elizabeth was in danger. Without thinking twice I kicked the door wide open in ran inside. Pulling out my gun, I searched everywhere only to see she was nowhere to be seen. The inside all dark and quiet. The only place left for me to search was her room. I ran upstairs to her room and kicked it open still holding my gun.

"Freeze!" I pointed my gun to a shadow figure standing by.

Before I could catch a glimpse of the shadow, it ran to the window blinding me with the sunlight from outside. I only reopened then to see Elizabeth tied up on her bed.

"Elizabeth!" I ran to her side. I released her mouth which was covered in duck tape.

"N-norman." She slightly opened her eyes and quickly shut it only to fall unconscious.

"Elizabeth no!" I started to free her from the ropes tied to her bed. "Elizabeth please wake up." My voice cracked as unexpected tears slipped from my eyes. "Elizabeth!" I shouted out of control and carried her unconscious body in my arms. "Please wake up."


"Ugh not you again." Charlie rolled his eyes at me.

"Idiot this isn't about me! My girl is unconscious."

He looked down on my arms where I carried Elizabeth. He quickly took her from my arms and called for backup to follow him into a room. I tried following them but one of the nurses shook her head no and gestured me to take a seat in the lobby.

"I need to be with her." I tried protesting but the nurse ignored me and ran after the rest. "This cant be happening to me." I ruffled my hair in frustration and had no choice but to take a seat. People stared at me as I grabbed magazines and just kept on tossing them to the side.

"What about Estefano?"

Valerie's words echoed and her smirk stayed in my head.

"Who the fuck is Estefano?!" I yelled to myself.

"SHHHH!" Some of the people around me hushed angrily at me.

"No you shush!" I spat back.

"Sir?" A secretary stood in front of me. "I will have to tell you to leave politely." She gestured me the nearest exit.

"But my girl I need to know what happened to her." I shot up from my seat to be face to face with the secretary.

"Sir please calm down doctor Chadburn will soon tell you." She informed me.

"Who the heck is Chadburn?" I was getting inpatient.

"Charlie Chadburn is the doctor attending her. Please calm down or I must tell you again to leave." She warned me and went back to her desk.

I slumped back in my seat and kept running my hand over my hair.

"You shouldn't have crossed my path..."

"Damn you Valerie." I whispered and felt the sudden need to cry for Elizabeth. It sadden me to see her so out of life.

All because of a stupid ticket....

All because I met Valerie.

Hours passed by and next thing I knew it I found myself fast asleep in the chair. I could feel someone gently nudging me to wake up. I slowly woke up to see Charlie standing above me.

"Elizabeth?!" I shot right back up from my seat and rubbed my eyes to clear my vision.

"We need to talk in private." Charlie nodded his head for me to follow him. He took me inside his office and stood behind his desk with his arms crossed behind his back.

"Go ahead Carl." I couldn't help but make fun of him. I remembered earlier how he treated me when I was talking to Valerie earlier.

"It's Charlie and I wouldn't joke if I were you." He kept a serious gaze. His words somehow caused my stomach to tighten in fear.

"Just please tell me what happened to Elizabeth." I begged.

He shook his head no so slowly and he tilted his head up so he could seem a bit taller. Something about the way how he stood there caused me worry for the sake of Elizabeth. "You might want to take a seat." Charlie extended his hand outward for me to take the seat in front of his desk. I obeyed and landed hard on the chair.

"What happened?" My voice came out barely as a whisper.

In came two nurses and each took a stand beside me.

"Norman Parker?" Charlie went.

I nodded my head.

"Is she your girlfriend right?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

Anger bursted in me at why he couldn't just get straight to the point.

"Dammit I swear to you that I have nothing to do with Valerie!" I spat.

The two nurses quickly layed their hands on my shoulders to steady me in my seat.

"Look Norman I'm just asking because..." He cleared his throat and ordered for one of the nurses to close the door.

"What is it doc?" I started to panic.

He took a seat and clapped his hands together. "Tell me what happened before you brought her here?" He asked.

"I- I don't know!" I ran my hand over my hair. "After earlier that I was here well I went to her house to look for her. I saw someone but he jumped out from the window and then I saw her..."

Elizabeth's image tied to the bed crossed my mind and how she spoke my name only to fall unconscious.

"Sorry to say this but...I bet that someone did this to her." Charlie stared steadily at me.

"Did what?" I begged for him to already spit it out.

He gave me a sympathetic smile then it turned to guilt and to sadness. He took a deep breath and looked down at his hands.

"Norman Parker sorry to say this but....Elizabeth has been raped."

"What about Estefano?"

"No no no NO!" I started to scream and tossed my chair away. Valerie's words echoed once again in my head. "NOOO!"

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