Chapter 17

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Tomorrow's graduation day and I'm so fucking ready. Once you start school you just can't wait to for it to ends and it's finally my time. I was still fucking mad because our school didn't do early release for seniors, meaning I would have to go to school today. The day before graduation.

I rolled over in my bed making eye contact with Taylor, "Good morning sneaky. Today's your last day then, it's your gradation day."

Taylor's older than me by one year. So, she graduated last year. I missed her graduation because we weren't together at the time. And now I felt guilty because I didn't go.

I smiled at the fact that she still called me sneaky, "I know baby. I can't wait."

She smiled, "I know you can't. Now get your ass up and go get ready. You can't miss the last day, that's stupid."

I rolled my eyes, yawning, and getting up and heading towards the bathroom in the hallway. I passed Junior's room, pounding on the door, "It's the last day of fucking school! And your ass need to get the hell the up!"

I heard him moving around in the bed and then his feet dragging on the floor, he flew the door open, "I'm fucking up, you happy."

I put my hand on my hip, "Well good morning to you too."

He flicked me, "If you would've woke me up nicer. You would've got a good morning." He pointed towards the bathroom, "Miranda's in there."

I sighed, "I told you to tell me when you have guest over."

Ever since we got our own place, I've set some rules on having guests. Because I don't like MOST of my brother's friends. And I didn't want to be looking horrible and then I run into one of his friends. Nope.

He smirked, "Is Tay in your room?"


"Well I didn't know, now we're even hoe." He closed the door in my face before I could argue. I swear he so fucking annoying.

I walked over to the bathroom door and knocked, "Miranda? I need to use the fucking bathroom."

She opened the door and my eyes became wide. She was naked. I covered my eyes, "Bitch, do you need a towel?"

"No I have one."

"Then fucking use it."

I kept my eyes covered as I heard her opening up the cabinet that contained clean towels, "Okay I'm good."

I dropped my hands, walking in the bathroom, going to one of the two sinks, "You know you can't just answer the door naked. Tay's here."

She smirked, "Oh sorry, I thought it was only you and Junior."

I grabbed my toothbrush putting toothpaste on it, "I don't want to see you naked neither."

She grabbed her toothbrush and did the same, "I mean you have before remember?"

I looked at her through the mirror, "We both don't remember that night, remember?"

She pretended to be offended, "I know I'm not in the best of shape but damn, I still remember yours." She winked.

I rinsed my mouth off and began walking to the door, "Get ready, we leaving with or without you."

I pushed her out the bathroom to shower.

I walked back into my room seeing Taylor watching tv, "Sneaky?"

I began walking to the closet, "Yes?"

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