Chapter Thirty-Seven

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A/N: This chapter is weird. I can't concentrate because a certain someone made me cry after I read her latest update *cough* May *cough cough*


"Ugh," I winced and held my arm under my swollen breasts in hopes of relieving the tender ache, "ouch."

"Are they sore again?" Harry asked me as he entered the cabin.

I nodded and sighed. "Has anyone found me a maternity bra, yet?"

Harry gave me an apologetic look and shook his head. "Not yet. But I am trying to find you one, love. I've been sending people out on double scavenges for the past two weeks,"

"I know. And I'm grateful, really, I just..." I bit my lip, "23 weeks, Harry. I'm already about 6 months in, and my boobs are really starting to swell, my regular bras are getting too small, and my back's beginning to hurt. And...I'm getting worried, because Liam's starting to say that I really need a good bra for proper support. And if I don't get proper support, I'm going to get saggy old lady boobs and that will not be pretty,"

"Er, Laura..." Harry began slowly, "Liam never said you're going to get saggy old lady boobs."

"I know, but that's what's gonna happen!" I cried, "And I am way too young for saggy old lady boobs!"


"And as if our daughter would want to feed off a pair of saggy tits!"

"Laura," Harry gave me a look, "just calm down, love. These are just your hormones talking. You still look as gorgeous as ever."

I looked up at him doubtfully. "You're only saying that because you haven't seen them. Believe me – you won't have seen anything worse."

"You wanna bet?" Harry cocked an eyebrow at me, "I accidentally walked in on my mother trying to put some clothes on my naked grandmother when I was ten. She had saggy old lady boobs. Really saggy, wrinkly old lady boobs. It scarred me for life, you know. Even now, the mental pictures still haunt me."

My jaw dropped. "No,"

"Oh yes," Harry chuckled, "so believe me when I say that your boobs – whatever they look like now – will always look perfect to me."

I chuckled softly. "Even if they're getting stretch marks?"

Harry scoffed. "I bet they're not even noticeable,"

I smiled and let out a soft, tired groan before I collapsed back on the bed; rubbing my hand over my 23-week bump. "Who knew that this one little girl could make me feel more self-conscious in 6 months than I've ever been in my whole life?"

Harry smiled and crawled into bed next to me; placing his hand beside mine on top of the bump.

"Just keep in mind, sweetheart..." he began, "that in 3 months, it'll all be worth it."

I chuckled. "Yeah," I then let out a dreamy sigh, "just think – two more weeks and I'll be starting my third trimester,"

"I know," Harry's smile grew into a broad grin, "the final stage before our little girl is welcomed into the world at last."

I turned my head to look at him. "Are you nervous?"

"Oh yeah. But at the same time I'm absolutely thrilled," he closed his eyes for a few moments before looking back at me, "do you know, these days I can't stop imagining what it'll be like to hold her for the first time...watching her open her eyes and look right at you."

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