If I Was There Instead

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry, you can stay there. I'll play the guitar." Sean says, and I nod. Do all Shawns/Seans ever known to mankind know how to play the guitar?

"Nick?" I turn to him.

"I play the drums. And obviously, Aria will sing, correct? I mean, normally she always is the only one that is willing to do so." He says, and I look at Aria, who is chuckling. Now I remember. Didn't Aria star in the school play? Yes, I am pretty sure she did.

"And you Bree?" I ask, turning to her. Unlike Aria, who has long dark brown hair, she has shorter, curlier hair, which also is dark.

"Well, I only play the piano, but you are already playing it, so I guess I'll stay with the shaker-"

"No! I don't mind sharing it. And we never know how this song will turn out. Maybe we will need a synthesizer. We'll sort that out later." I say assuringly, and she nods smiling, happy with the fact that she won't have to stay with the shaker.

Suddenly the door opens, and Mr. Brown comes in. "So how is the work going?" He asks.

Everyone looks at me to answer, so I do. "Well, I guess." I say, trying to be as positive as I can.

"Could you show me what you've got?" He asks, and again, everyone in my group looks expectantly at me, waiting me to play what I had created. Turning to the keyboard, I take a deep breath and clutch the key around my neck, trying to calm myself. Pressing the keys in the keyboard, I play what I had created, and when I am done, I look at Mr.Brown, who is smiling and nodding approvingly.

"That's an awesome start. Did you come up with that, Sadie?" He asks, and before I can try to say that it was group work, everyone says yes. "Well, that just proves that I was right. Good job." He says, leaving the room to check up on the other group again. I didn't know why this comment made me so happy, made me feel acomplished: like I had finally done something right.


"Please don't say-"

"I told you." Shawn cuts me. I glare at him, and he chuckles. "What? I did tell you that you would do great!"

"I do hope it was not just beginner's luck, though." I say, changing the hand that is holding my phone, as the other one started getting tired. "Now, why don't we stop talking about me. How are you? Did you manage to start "Something Big" this time without accidentaly playing "Aftertaste" instead?" I ask.

"Yeah, things are fine. I just can't believe that in two more days I'm off to tour again." Something cathes his attention, and he nods towards someone. "I am sorry Sadie, I really need to go. Talk to you later, ok?" He says with an apologetic look, and I nod.

"Sure. Bye!" I smile.

"Bye!" He says back, and the screen goes black.

This week back to school seemed to drag, but finally, Friday finally arrived. The song composition was going well; we had already started with the lyrics. Jason has hanged a lot with us, and I discovered that he was quite nice and that I actually enjoyed his company.

Leaving and getting stuff in my locker, I sense someone approaching me. I look to my left, and there was Jason. "Oh, hi." I say, turning back to the agenda in my hands, which told me which notebooks I had to take home to do my homework.

Treat You Better - A Shawn Mendes Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now