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Ariana's POV

"Hey,  wakeup. " Am I hearing voices? Am I in hell?  Or heaven?  I opened my eyes slowly to meet with a face. A familiar face.

Then everything just rushed back to my memory. There he is stood beside me while brushing my hair with his filthy hands. 

"M-Mr.  Butler." I stuttered a bit scared and confused why am I being taken away.  What have I done wrong to deserve this kind of punishment. 

"Hey, it's fine.  I wont hurt you. " His assurance could not help me to calm down. "Maybe. " He said before chuckled evily.

His hands started to roam down my legs and finally to the inside of my thighs. "Dont touch me! " I screamed before spit on his face. He closed his eyes tried to contain and not lash out at me.

When he was just about to speak up,  an intercom from the wall near the bed made a noise. 

"Hey Ryan, you are gonna die. " A voice whom belongs to a person that I never thought will come. Jason.

Right there I could see Mr. Butler furious face and heavy breath before he came at me and dragged me out the room across the hallway. His grasp will leave a couple of purple bruise that's for sure. 

"Stop,  please. " I begged him trying to stop him from pulling me.  "Fcking shut up,  will you?  " He said while pointed gun on my side. I stunned and followed him as he pushed me towards a living room. 

"Come out you bitch!" Mr. Butler yelled to no one. "C'mon Jason, I know you are here. " When I inspect the room, I saw dead bodies laid on the floor. Oh My God.  Bloods are everywhere.

Then a shots fire from the kitchen made us both duck down and hid behind the couch. Tears were streamed down my face. Afraid that I'm going to die.  Shots were fire over and over again. Until,  bloods splattered on my face. 

Mr. Butler's grasp on me loosen.  His hand hold over his shot wound on his chest.  My hands trembling so hard. I didn't dare to get up nor make a single movement.

"Hey, it's okay." Jason stood there holding my hands while softly rubbing it.  He grabbed a blanket that he took with him and covered my head and body before he carried me bridal style out. 

"Shh.. Everything will be alright now. " my sobbed finally slowed down.  I hid my face in his chest didn't wanted to see such a horrible scenario in front of me. 

Thank God he came. I didn't  think I was going to say this but I'm thankful that he actually came and save me. 

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