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Jason's POV

The moment I saw her, I had this strange feeling in my body. As a criminal that is in disguise, I never felt this for any other woman. She is pure beautiful and amazing. I need her or else I'm going crazy.

But one thing for sure she wont like me. She is a saint while Im the sinner.  We have two different world. My inner self told me that we could not be together unless..

I got her trapped in my arms.

Now that I have got her, I wont let her fly away from me. I carried her bridal style and placed at the passenger seat of my caddilac. Yes, Jason McCann own a cadillac.

{He used to have a maroon van. That was cliche af so I was thinking Jason should have a classy car instead of that lol}

I adjusted the seat to leaned down before I placed her. I grabbed her sling bag and hid it in my trunk. I put my key in the ignition and started to drive down the road.

I grabbed my bluetooth earpiece and placed it on my ear.

"Connect me to the warehouse." I said into the earpiece.

I changed my view from the road to Ariana figure beside me. Scared that she might woke up before we reached the house.

I drove inside the woods. It's dark. My headlight is the only thing that help me see the road.

Couple of minutes later, I saw a big gate and I reached into the front gate and pushed the red button of the speaker on the intercom.

"Jason McCann." I said into the intercom. Then, the gate is opened. I drove inside and parked my car in the basement garage. I opened the door of my car and went into the passenger's side. I slid my hand under my babygirl carefully and carried her into the mansion quietly.

As I was about to reached the stairs to my room, I heard a gasped from behind me. I turned around to see one of my maid with a broom in her hand looked extremely shocked at the fact that I had an unconcious girl in my arms.

"Be silent or else." I mouthed at her slowly. She nodded her head fast and scurried away into the kitchen. These woman never learn. I'll deal with her later.

I continued my way into my bedroom and laid my precious on the bed. She looked so peaceful. I made sure she is tucked in comfortablely. I got her hair out of her face and tucked them behind her ear. Poor my girl. She is not going to wake up in another hour I guess. I turned on the blind on the window to made the room dark.

I left the room quietly and made my way into my office. On my study there is a tv that could gave me a full access of everything that happened in my room. Beside it, another piece of intercom thsy connect to my room. Across from it, full of papers that I need to sign. My life.

After this my life is going to be complete with Ariana by my side. She is my life.

Ariana's POV

Where am I? I questioned myself. I opened my eyes but all I see is darkness. Out of this darkness I could made out that I'm in a bedroom. But whos'? I sat up slowly on the bed and leaned my body on the headboard. I could felt the throbbing in my head.

What had happened? Then everything flashed back to me. Everything.  I left my workplace. I felt a presence walking behind me. A man!

Who was the man? I could not remembered how he looked like.

A sound of the door unlocked made me snapped from my flashback. There stood a handsome man. Wait. That was the last customer that left the shop!

A woman with a tray in her hand stood beside him. She went and placed the tray on the bedside table. I got off the bed slowly and walked to the man. He has an emotionless look on his face but his eyes never leave me.

"Sir, can you take me back to my place? I dont know how I got in here but thank you for helping me and let me stay in here." I smiled at him. He doesnt said anything. He stood proudly with his hand in his trouser's pocket. As the woman which dressed in a maid outfit was about to leave the room, I grabbed her forearm softly made her stopped from leaving.

"Miss, where am I?" She looked at me then at the man. She did that for a while until she looked down at her feet. I let her hand go and turned to the man.

"Can you tell me what happen?! I need an explaination. Were you the one that took me here?!" I asked him in angrily.

He said nothing. Just looked at me.

"Answer me!" I yelled in his face but I didnt got any reply from him.

I shook my head and ran towards the door but I was too late. He grabbed my waist and pulled me to the other side of the room. His gripped were too hard that I could felt his nails digging in my skin waist.

I looked at him in confusion yet scared. Who is this man? He made his way to me slowly. Each step he took towards me, I took a step back. I knew I was damned when I felt my back hit the wall. I was trapped.

"Get on the bed." He spoke. Our face are close to each other. I could felt his breath hitting my face. {FEELSS OH}

Tears welled up in my eyes. I do not dare to make any move nor breath. Yes, I hold my breath in. He closed his eyes slowly then reopen them. He took a deep breath then his hand wrapped around my neck. He got down and kissed my neck slowly.

"Do not disobey me, babygirl." He whispered into my ear.

I shutted my eyes tightly scared that he might do unthinkable things to me. He let go of my neck then I took a deep breath in relief. Without wasting time, I got on the bed and sat with my arms around my knees. My eyes never leave his body at all.
I tried to hold in my tears but one escape. I could not hold them in any longer. My cheeks are wet with tears. "Eat your food,my precious. You need rest." He kissed my wet cheeks and leave.

I heard the door is locked. This man is not dumb. The windows got grill so nowhere you could open them wide. I looked around the room to find a way to escape but I have no chance at all.

My eyes stopped at the tray of the food that the woman left. I grabbed it and placed it on my lap. There is an omelet and some bread. A cup of coffee. To say that I'm not hungry is a tota lie to myself but I just dont have the appetite to. I grabbed a piece of the bread anf tried to get it in my mouth but I can't.

I placed it beside me and I laid down on the bed in a foetus position. Without realising, I broke down. I never felt scared like this before. I sobbed real hard into the bed. Dont care if anyone heard of my pathetic sob.

I want to go home. Please.

Edited on Jan 10, 4:49 pm

Dont worry guys, I wont change this story. Everything is the same except the way of how the story goes. If you guys still remember, before I edit this chapter, this is the part where Jason almost raped her. But I think that it doesnt make sense how Jason act like a pervert. I want Jason to be more mature and a classy criminal. Lol

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