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Keesokan harinya, gue dan Ryan sama sekali tidak berkomunikasi entahlah mungkin dia masih kecewa sama gue dan tepat sesuai ucapan Michael, ia sama sekali tidak membalas iMessage gue bahkan bagai ditelan bumi ia benar-benar menghilang begitu saja. 

Gue iseng-iseng membuka LINE yang berasal dari group internet bestfriend gue dan isinya pun penuh dengan konser 5SOS semalam. 

grpfm. (51)

 vidia: udah liat ini belom? 

vidia: sent you a photo. 


ilo: kamu ingin keyong? 

Karena rasa penasaran gue akan foto yang baru saja di post Michael, maka gue memutuskan untuk membukanya di aplikasi instagram gue sendiri. 

Setelah membuka instagram, gue benar-benar kaget akibat caption yang Michael buat ditambah dengan foto yang ia post, itu adalah gue saat berada di Bianglala dan dapat gue pastikan Michael mengambil foto diam-diam dan berujung candid. 

Gue-pun langsung membaca caption yang ia tulis perlahan. 

To the one that will love her next,

  one. fuck. she'll make you curse a lot.
that's all that'll roll off your tounge everytime you'd want to describe how she makes you feel. 

two. that girl is funny. i don't think you can have a bad day if she's around. i don't even think she'll try to make you laugh, i think with her it comes naturally. 

three. she'll make you feel alive. you will want to experience it all with no one else but her. she'll keep you at a high you'd never reach on your own. DON'T bring her down with you when you hit rock bottom. DON'T drag her with you anywhere she doesn't belong.   

Gue kembali menarik nafas panjang lalu, membuangnya perlahan dan berusaha untuk menahan tangisan lagi-lagi karena terlalu sulit untuk membaca kalimat-kalimat yang dituliskan Michael itu. Bahkan ini masih pagi, Keyla! ucap gue dalam hati. 

  four. she'll sometimes be out of reach. more like, most times. let her be. she deserves all your time. all your days and nights. but only if she asks for it. you should a l w a y s check up on her, though. (ask how her day went. ask her how she's feeling.) make sure her "i'm okay" is sincere. make sure her days are more than just "fine".

five. listen to her. she'll always have something to say about everything, but she won't always say it. listen to her. let her talk about everything she wants to talk about. talk about it with her. i doubt you'll ever have enough of her. 

Dan pertahanan yang gue buat pun akhirnya runtuh. Nyatanya, gue terlalu lemah dan memang, penyesalan selalu datang terakhir. 

  six. when she doesn't want to talk, don't ask her to. be comfortably silent with her when she needs some quiet, but make sure your presence is loud. don't ever make her feel alone. 

seven. she's special. treat her like she is. you should n e v e r let her second guess what she means to you. you should n e v e r make her rethink your love for her. 

eight. don't go through one day without telling her you love her. she won't believe you, but you should never stop reminding her. she doesn't have to feel what you feel back, but she has to acknowledge that someone out there has her on their mind, day and night. always let her know she's important.  

Dan tangisan gue kembali menjadi setelah membaca point ke delapan sebagaimana yang ia tulis. 

  nine. she can be stubborn, and at most times she will be. i have a love/hate relationship with that quality of hers. let her have her own way. don't bug her about her choices. but, keep in mind there's nothing wrong with not agreeing with her sometimes.

ten. don't hurt her. not because she's fragile, but because she doesn't deserve it. for fucks sake, she deserves more than you can ever offer. and for that, you should give her your all. or at least you should keep trying to

Bahkan, point ke sepuluh, he's already done it to me. Tapi, gue pun juga gak tau apakah itu ke sengajaan atau di luar kesadaran. Semuanya juga udah jadi kenangan. 

  eleven. don't just tell her you trust her, but also show her you do. she won't take your word for it. let her in. open up. spill your heart out to her, and know she'll have her arms wide open. she won't let you seep through.

twelve. she's passionate. i can imagine her eyes gleaming when she talks about what she loves. you can feel it through your phone screen. i'll hunt you down and feed on your flesh if you try to shut her up. yes, she is passionate, but not about most things. and she won't talk about it with everyone. so you better fucking listen when she tries to share this part of herself with you. or leave. fucking leave her if you won't love her right.  

Dan gue gak bisa membohongi perasaan gue sendiri kalau masih ada satu harapan kalau dia masih mau menunggu gue, padahal, dengan egoisnya gue udah sama Ryan. Keyla yang terlalu bodoh dan mungkin akan tetap bodoh untuk masalah percintaan. 

  thirteen. she's smart as fuck. not the lame, "i get good grades" kinda smart. but the kind, that never fails to blow my mind. treasure her brain. 

fourteen. i've never seen someone who wants to read as much as she does, but has zero willpower to. read to her. read to her like i've always wanted to, but never got the chance to. whether it be prose or fiction, or some fact you read off the newspaper. never stop reading to her.

fifteen. please, never lie to her. don't make promises you can't keep. you'll lose her. fuck. if you lost her, you would lose all that could make your life meaningful. 

Tapi, you lied to me, Michael. Entah gue masih tetap percaya sama lo sampai akhirnya, gue memutuskan untuk pergi dibandingkan tinggal karena udah terlalu lelah dengan semua settingan management hingga semua groupie yang pernah ada di hidup lo. 

  sixteen. don't give up on her. please, never give up on her. she's not always easy to deal with, and neither are you. but to god, she's worth it. she's worth all of it. 

seventeen. you'll never love her more than i do. but you sure as fuck need to try your fucking best to make sure you're never the reason behind any of her troubles. don't fuck up. don't fuck up like i did.  

You're probably wondering why i'm telling you all of this. The truth is that she was the best thing that ever happened to me but our timing was off. We were never in the rigt place at the right time. I guess you could say I never felt like I really had her. And maybe I didn't. I'll never know and that's okay. 

This is what I ask of you: respect her. Love her. Be honest with her. Always be loyal. I wish you two the best. 

Dan setelah itu, gue langsung meng-lock screen handphone gue dan kembali melanjutkan tangisan yang masih saja meluncur deras layaknya tak bisa di hentikan. Semua penyesalan memang selalu datang terakhir, gak ada penyesalan yang tiba lebih dulu dibandingkan suatu tindakan. 


vomments! ini beneran double updates, bcs kmrn2 gak updet2 hihi. semoga senank, doakan akan cepat selesai ff ini ya aamiin. 

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