Taylor Hall - Edmonton Oilers (Requested)

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Requested by sstszp91 . I know he's not on the Oilers anymore, but to me he'll always be on the team.
I was sitting in my living room alone because my parents took a vacation and I decided to have someone over. I took my phone out and texted Taylor to see if he'd want to come over for a while and do something. Within minutes he replied saying that he'd be there in 5 minutes. Minutes later I heard a knock on the door and went to let him in.

"Hey Taylor, how are you?" I asked once I opened the door.

"I'm good, how are you?" He asked with that smile that could make anyone's day better.

"Good. Come on in," I said stepping aside and motioning for him to enter.

"Thanks. So what do you have planned?" He asked turning around and looking at me excitedly.

"I thought we could just watch tv or movies," I said shrugging.

"Sounds good to me. It's about time I forget about hockey for a little bit," he said chuckling.

"Well what would you like to watch?" I asked walking into the living room.

"Uhh, how about Ridiculousness? I haven't seen that in a long time," he suggested to which I agreed.

"Great choice," I said grabbing the remote and turning it on.

I had about 20 episodes recorded in case I was feeling down or mad so I could watch them and feel better. He told me which one he wanted to watch and I turned it on. Throughout the whole episode we were dying of laughter. Then one of his favorite categories came on, which was human glitches. By the end of the episode, we were both on the floor crying from laughing so hard.

"I can't, breathe," I said between laughs. Once I regained my composure, I looked over at Taylor and his face was red and his eyes were puffy from laughing.

"You good now?" I asked once I heard him breathing normally.

"Yeah, I think so. Man, it's been a while since I've laughed that much," he said as he got up and sat back on the couch.

"I pretty much laugh that hard every time I watch this show," I said pausing the episode since it had ended.

"So, now what do you wanna do?" He asked looking excited for whatever at this point.

"Umm, how about we make some cookies?" I said just throwing an idea out there.

"Awesome! Can we make your famous cookies?" He asked almost pouting.

"Of course! What other cookies would we make?" I asked smiling. He clapped like a little kid about to get candy and we headed into the kitchen to make cookies.

I started mixing all the ingredients together while he got more ingredients out for me. He knew what went into the cookies but he didn't know how to make them, so he always wanted me to make them. Eventually I got everything mixed in and he decided to take some and put it on my mouth. When I tried to get it off, he stopped me.

"No, let me," he said as he gently put his lips on mine and somehow got it all off in one smooth motion. I stood there completely shocked but did the same thing back to him.

Once our little moment was over, we put some on a cookie sheet, put them in the oven and headed back to the living room. When the timer went off, I grabbed his hand and pretty much ran into the kitchen. I took them out of the oven and told him we had to wait until they cooled off before we could eat them. After letting them cool for about 10 minutes I got us both a cookie and some milk and went to sit in the living room again.

"I'm glad I came over tonight," he said out of no where.

"Me too. I had an amazing time," I replied.

We both say there and enjoyed our cookies and then watched Brother Bear until we fell asleep on the couch.


I hope you liked it! Sorry if it wasn't what you had in mind, but it's currently 2:40am for me right now.


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