We Will Never Forget

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Before I post anything else, I want to take a few minutes to remember everyone who died 14 years ago today. It's always a sad day for me and even though I was only 6, and I don't remember what happened that day, 9/11 will always be special to me. I watch it on TV every year and it's a pain that will never go away.

To all those who died that day: thank you for being the people you were. You'll be in our hearts and memories forever. We will NEVER forget you. I especially want to thank all of the paramedics, police officers, firefighters and even civilians who sacrificed themselves to save so many lives that day. There are people still alive to this day because of you. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

I don't know why, but this day is very, very important to me. If you have the chance to, go listen to the song Where Were You(When the World Stopped Turning) by Alan Jackson. It's about 9/11 and it is a beautiful song. I listen to it every year and I cry every time I listen to it, just from thinking about all those who lost their lives.

We Will Never Forget September 11, 2001. ❤️


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