Taylor Hall - Edmonton Oilers (NHL)

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Going to a concert with him in London... (1310 words)


"I still can't believe you did this, Hall..." I shook my head in fake anger as we were on a flight from Edmonton to London. Apparently, Taylor had booked a vacation to London for two weeks and did not tell about it until yesterday night, when I had caught him packing all the travel luggage. 

"I know how much you've wanted to see and tour the city of London," Taylor spoke softly as he rested one of his hands on the armrest and grabbed my hand. He held it with a strong grip and looked deeply into my eyes. "So, I thought...Why not spend our anniversary with a 2-week stay in London?" 

Giggling softly at his words, I nodded my head in content and rested my head on the crook of his neck as much as I could without the design of the seat affecting us. "You are such a gentleman, Taylor..."

"I love you too, sweetheart. Now, you may want some sleep because we're stuck on this plane for about 10 hours..." I heard Taylor chuckle deeply to himself and I thanked him. I grabbed the pillow and rested it behind my neck and adjusted it until it felt comfortable for me. The blanket was already sprawled across my lap and I decided to wrap it around myself like a butterfly cocoon. Slowly, I felt my eyes starting to droop and I had felt Taylor gently kiss my forehead and say goodnight to me. Shortly after that, I managed to fall asleep, despite being squished in a very uncomfortable airplane seat. 


I must've been asleep for the entire flight because I had woken up to Taylor shaking me awake and pretty much by then, most of the passengers had left the plane to go to the baggage claim. I quickly thanked the flight attendants and waited for Taylor to come. As soon as he came out of the plane, we walked out of the tunnel that had led to the gate of the flight. We slowly made our way through the crowd and eventually, we made it to the baggage claim. I walked over to the carousel-type contraption where the luggage was practically spinning around and around like an illusional circle. When I had spotted the luggage, I grabbed them and Taylor came over to grab some of the luggage since I was lifting a few of them in both of my hands. 

After gathering the luggage, we quickly got out of the airport to find a taxi to take us to the hotel we were staying at. Once we found a taxi, we loaded the luggage and sat down in the car, which took us to the hotel. While we were unloading the luggage out of the car, the two of us had thanked the driver and we paid him the amount of money we were due to pay him. 

When we got to the lobby of the hotel, Taylor had checked us both and I saw the receptionist hand him the key. Honestly, I was so relieved that we had finally because I really needed to freshen up a little bit. As soon as we got to out hotel room, I immediately raced to the bathroom to fresh up since I was asleep for most of the flight time. After I had brushed my teeth and took a shower and all that business, I had found a note on the mirror with a dress hung up on the door with some heels laying on the floor adjacent to the door. The note had told me to meet Taylor downstairs at the lobby and to wear the dress and heels. 

I did what the note had told me to do and got dressed in the casual dress that Taylor had picked out, which was very pretty because it was a lovely shade of blue. Before I headed out the door, I decided to just apply some lipstick on and that was it. Grabbing the heels, I slipped them on very quickly and grabbed all my essentials, which were really my clutch wallet and my phone. Finally after grabbing them was when I had decided to go down to the lobby to meet Taylor. Since I was wearing some heels that were somewhat uncomfortable, I decided to take the elevator because let's face the fact that I wasn't going go down a bunch of flights of stairs to get down to the lobby in my heels. 

Once I got down to the lobby, I found Taylor, who was waiting for me at the front entrance. He looked up from his phone as soon as he heard the heels clicking against the floor. 

"You look very stylish and beautiful, Ms. L/N." Taylor had a smirk on his face as he kissed me on the cheek. 

"Why, thank you, Mr. Hall." I chuckled at the cheesy compliment of his and kissed his cheek back. "May I ask why you wanted me to meet you down here, Taylor?"

"Let's just say," Taylor closed up the remaining space between us and softly kissed my lips, "we're going to a concert." 


Once we had arrived at the O2 Arena, Taylor grabbed a few slips of paper from his jean pocket and handed them to the ticket attendant. They cleared us and pretty soon, we were able to go inside the arena. Taylor handed me one of the slips of paper to me and when I looked down at it, it was a ticket to see Sam Smith live. Which was pretty cool since I love to listen to his music. 


"I just wanted to say thank you for-" I turned around to face Taylor, who was supposed to be standing next to me, but he was gone. As I was searching for him, I heard Sam starting to speak into his microphone, even though there were a lot of screaming in the background. 

"May I please have Y/N L/N come up to the stage please?" I heard my name being mentioned and I turned around to find out that everybody was staring at me, due to one of the spotlights being directed towards me. I slightly blushed as I walked up towards the stage and got up there using the stairs. After I got up there, I saw Taylor walk out from the backstage and he walked over to where I was standing. As he got down on one knee, I had noticed that Sam was starting to sing "Latch".

"Y/N, you've shown me what love meant and how to truly handle the strong emotion that it is. You always stuck with me through the good times and the bad ones. I love spending every moment that I have with you and that's why I wanted to ask you a question. Y/N L/N, will you do me the honor and marry me?" Taylor looked up with a look of nervousness evident in his eyes. Me on the other hand, had tears welled up in my eyes. I looked down at him and since I couldn't get words out of my mouth due to the shock, I instead nodded my head to signal to him that I accept his proposal. 

He slipped the ring on my ring finger and he kissed me on the lips but quickly pulled away. He looked into my eyes in a lovingly way. 

"I love you so much." He whispered to me and I smiled at him in a gentle manner. I cupped his face with my hands and brought him closer to my face. 

"I love you too." I quickly said before I smashed my lips on his. 


Hope you guys enjoyed it and have a good rest of your day or night!

- Priya :)

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