Oliver Ekman-Larsson - Arizona Coyotes

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This is for mikkelboedker. Sorry it's so short. I hope you like it!

"You ready to go Priya?" Oliver yelled from the boat.

"Yep. Coming," I yelled and ran downs where he was. "This is gonna be so fun, it's been forever since I've been out on the water."

"I'm glad, because I have the whole afternoon planned," he said as we both sat down.

"Don't get too comfy you two, remember we're here too," Connor Murphy said as he sat down across from us.

"Oh I forgot you guys were coming," I said sarcastically.

"Don't even start with me Priya," Connor said hitting my arm playfully.

"Stopping touching my girl, Murph," Oliver said as he put a protective arm around my waist.

"Calm down man," Connor said putting his hands up in defense.

"Alright you two. Let's just enjoy the afternoon okay?" I said getting in between them.


Once they were done arguing and I knew we were clear to go, I told Shane he could start the boat. After he got it running, we were off to the middle of the lake.

We all got our life-jackets on and decided that Connor would be the first to go on the inner tube. He hopped on and Shane drove around the lake for a little bit. After he got done, it was Domi's turn. He went about as long as Connor and then Oliver went on. It seemed like forever until it was my turn.

Once my turn was over, I grabbed the rope and pulled myself back to the boat where Oliver was waiting to pull me up. It seemed like he was just gonna pull me and then let go, but instead he pulled me into him. I started turning red from the closeness of us. He had our bodies completely together. I stood there soaked as he took in the moment.

"I love you Priya," he said connecting his lips with mine.

"I love you too Oliver," I said as we broke away.

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