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How about some late-night imagines? I figured since I'm gonna be staying up kinda late and I don't work tomorrow that I could get a few done. One thing everyone should know is that I absolutely will NOT write about certain players, so if I don't respond to your comment within 30-60 minutes, that means I won't write about that player. Here's the info you need to give me.

Players name:(NHL, AHL, OHL, College. If they're in the AHL, OHL or College I need to know the team name too.)
Your name:(if you want your actual name instead of Y/N)
Scenario:(I usually work better when I have a scenario. Also I usually don't write about the reader telling him(the player) they're pregnant, just a heads up.)

I hope it's not too strict. Feel free to comment. I'll try to get as many as I can done. Oh, and the picture at the top/on the side is of my youngest brother and his hockey team.


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