Max Pacioretty - Montreal Canadiens (NHL)

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A/N : Guys feel free to PM me : XxNorthxX, your Co-Writer! I'll take 3 requests total, because my summer is starting to get more busy. I'll try to update more! Thanks : )

I just slept with Max Pacioretty. Now, it's not a one night stand relationship, where it means nothing. Me and Max are dating, but it's all on the low. This is because Carey Price is my older brother, but only by three years. Carey's twenty-eight and I'm twenty-five. Max is twenty-

-seven, so he's only two years older than me. But, of course, my brother forbids me from dating any of his teammates, he told me to stay clear of P.K. and Brendan. Sure they'd love to know that, Pricey! So, yes, I'm Y/N Price!


I sat down in my apartment; on the couch. I was wearing my signed & used Pacioretty jersey, I of course got from Max. I was going to a majority team and WAGS' party, Gally was hosting it. I slipped on some black leggings, put on some sweater-like gray boots. My phone, and that was about it. I arrived to the house, knocking on the door, music muffed by the door played, conversing wags, and players spread about. Some unfamiliar faces wafted in, Brendan smiled at me "What's troubling you Y/N?" he asked seeing that I was puzzled with the new faces, "I just don't know quite a few of these people.." He nodded, "I may or may not have invited some outside friends..a lot of them, too..." I sighed pushing his shoulder, as I passed him. I searched for at least 10 minutes, to find not a trace of Max. I spotted Alex Galchenyuk. "Alex!" I said out of breath, relieved to see someone I was close with here. "Y/N! It's great to see you here!" he pulled me into a side hug, holding a red solo cup in the other hand. "Chucky, have you seen Max or Carey? Primarily Max, cause' I can't find the damn man.." I mumbled the last part, mainly to myself, "Can't find your brother or boyfriend, eh?" he laughed as I punched him in the arm, "Just the truth! - Now Max was over in that general direction when I last saw him.." Alex replied motioning to the other side of the house, "K, thanks Alexie!" I said really fast before running off. I finally made my way through the crowd of people, and I searched the forms and faces..Max! I grinned, as I ran over to him, "Max!" I spoke happily, he spun around. "Y/N!" he wrapped his strong arms around my waist, moving one to support between my shoulder blades. He brought me up off the ground, and kissed me, I kissed back, as he spun us around. Gently setting me down. I smiled brightly, but it all changed when I heard him clear his throat. "Carey.." Max trailed off grimly, I spun on my heel. My once great smile, into an angered thin line. My orbs were showing anger, "Max, I told you stay off my sister!" Carey spat, he was just an inch taller than Max. "I have every right to date her! I love her so much! I would be devastated if I ever caused her any pain!" Max growled back at my older brother. My heart melted at his words, "Carey!" I yelled angrily, tears already clouding up my eyes, "Y/N! You should've known better than to date one of my teammates! Let alone our captain!" he exclaimed, I stepped back. Blinking back the tears, I clenched my jaw, and looked up at Carey. "I'm twenty-five, Carey! I can make my own decisions! I love him, Carey! I love Max!" I paused to take in a sharp breath, "You can't control my relationships..without or with your blessing-I just might have to live without it. Don't you want me to be happy?" this had me flustered. Carey looked speechless that his little sister said all this, even telling him that she loved his captain. "North, he's going to hurt you! What will you do then? I just want you to be safe! But, of course I want to be happy! I-" I cut him off "Then, Carey please, let Max and I be together..please?" I said the last pled softer, weaker and more of a beg. "Fine, Y/N. Max, this is the only time I'm allowing you a chance with her, because she wants it pretty bad! You break her, I'll break you." Carey directing majority of it to Max, pointed his finger at Max, hitting him square it the chest. As he back away from my boyfriend, I sighed. "I can handle myself, and my relationships Carey. Thanks for caring, you dufus." I smiled softly at Carey, ruffling his hair. "Thank you, Pricer." Max said, pulling me into a hug. I rested my head on chest. Things were not just good, they were great, now! I smiled, satisfied.  


A bit on the shorted side, huh? Sorry it's not incredible long or anything. I'm honestly just happy that I updated. I've been stressing to do so, and it takes me awhile to get the creative juices flowing so I can make a half-way decent imagine for you guys! If you didn't read my beginning A/N, then please do so!


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