Teuvo Teräväinen (Chicago Blackhawks)

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"Terä!!" I yelled running onto the ice.

The Blackhawks had just defeated the Canadiens to win the Stanley Cup. What made me even happier is that Teuvo scored three times at the end of the third with the third goal completing his natural hat trick and being the game winner.

"I'm so proud of you!" I said as I gave him a huge bear hug.

"Thanks babe," he said returning the hug and then kissing my neck.

"Babe, not right now," I said chuckling.

"Aww, don't I get a prize for winning?" He asked while pouting.

"You will. Just not yet." I said slightly smirking.

"Fiiiine," he said dropping his hands and throwing his head back a little.

"Come on, let's go celebrate with the team," I say grabbing his hand, tugging him with me.

Without even trying to, we both ran into the media and they were immediately ready to interview Teuvo. I tried to back away to give him his space but he kept me right now to him.

"Teuvo, who's this with you?" Some random reporter asked.

"This is my girlfriend," he said with a warm smile.

They continued to ask him questions and then surprised me by asking me some. The whole time I was answering questions, I could feel Teuvo's eyes on me.

"Teuvo, staring at people is rude," I said without looking, which caused the reporters to laugh. Teuvo quickly looked away trying to hide that he was embarrassed. I chuckled at him and finished answering all of their questions.

As soon as we were done with the media, coach told us to meet the rest of the team in the dressing room. He could barely even finish by the time we left.

When we got there the first thing we each got was a bottle of Sparkling Grape Juice. We just laughed but starting drinking it. After swallowing 3 times, I had to stop because the fizz started burning my throat a little. Teuvo looked at me laughing.

"You okay babe?" He asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah...too much fizz at one time," I answered laughing.

"Okay good, I thought you were dying," he said chuckling. I knew he was joking, he does that all the time.

"What if I was?" I asked smirking.

"Then I'd have to do this now," he said reaching into his hockey bag.

"What?" I asked, very confused at this point. Suddenly, the room got really quiet. I looked around and just by the way they all looked, I knew they knew what was going on.

"Teuvo, what is go-" I said but stopping at the sight of him down on one knee.

"Y/N, you are the most amazing girl I've ever met in my life. You've been there for me, when I didn't feel like anyone should. You've been to every one of my games, even when you didn't think you could. You were there for me when I was at my worst and at my best. I'm beyond grateful that I found you at warm-ups a year ago. I know I've we've never promised each other anything, but will you do me this amazing honor? Y/N, will you marry me?" He asked opening the tiny box in his hand, revealing the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen. No, it wasn't one of those huge diamond ones that cover your finger. It was a small silver one that looked like it'd break if you dropped it even a foot.

"Yes!" I answered as tears continued to fall down my face.

He slid the ring onto my finger, stood up and pressed his lips to mine. It felt like we sat there forever, until the guys broke us up so we could celebrate both wins.


Sorry this took so long to get uploaded. I just didn't have the inspiration for it until, ya know, after they won the Cup. I hope you all liked this one, and I'm planning on updating a few times in the next week. But my plans don't always go as planned, just warning you now.

Let me know what you think of this one.


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