"I know I just said it." Tom said looking at him strangely.

Nathan moved his lips near Tom's ear. "No, I mean it is the only reason Thomas." He said then kissed him slowly on the cheek then had to walk away.

Tom just stood there with his mouth slightly open. "Fuck." He whispered to himself.

Nathan closed the door behind him and leaned against it taking a deep breath. It was true. He loved Curls more than anything. He really truly believed they were soul mates but in that moment it was his way of telling Tom how he felt.

Perhaps they could have had something if the circumstances were different and Tom wasn't so afraid. There must have been a reason they were able to walk that fine line with their relationship.

Nathan took another breath then began to walk back into the club. He needed to get past this Tom shit. He was with Curls and he loved him.

As he headed back, he saw Felix approaching. "Hey mate, are you okay?"

Felix nodded and stopped to converse with Nathan. "Is he out there?"

Nathan nodded. "Please wait to yell at him until tomorrow. He ummm is having rough night."

Felix looked worried. "He told you didn't he?"

Nathan looked shocked. "You knew?"

Felix couldn't help but laugh. "Mate, everybody knew...even Siva and things tend to get past him a lot."

Nathan chuckled. "Good point."

"So...how did he take it?" Felix asked.

Nathan frowned. "Um....I dunno."

"Well you broke his heart I mean he can't be doing well."

Nathan looked apologetic. "I didn't know...and I didn't' mean to."

Felix smiled and placed a comforting hand on Nathan's arm. "I am not blaming you sweetie. I just know what it is like to be....well I can feel his pain." He said then started to walk past him.

"I'm sorry Felix."

Felix turned back and smiled. "Stop apologizing Sykes and if you keep frowning you are going to ruin that sexy smile of yours. Now go get back to your curly dreamboat." He said then continued to walk towards the back door.

A few hours later, Tom squinted his eyes and felt a raging headache. "Fuckin' A." he groaned.

"Sit up so you can drink some water." a voice said closer than Tom would have liked.

Tom shifted and leaned onto his elbows. He was on his belly in an unfamiliar bed.  How did he get here? Where was he? Why was he naked?

"What the fuck?" he managed to blurt out.

"Here you go now drink up." The friendly voice said.

Tom rubbed his eyes. "Foof?"

"Drink the water please."

Tom suddenly was very aware that he was naked. He gripped the sheets and wrapped himself up around his waist.

Felix giggled.

"How did I get here?"

"I took you home silly."

Tom looked horrified. "What? Did you drug me?"

Felix leaned over so he was closer to Tom's face. "Listen hunnie, I don't need to drug men to get them to come home with me."

Tom swallowed hard.

Felix laughed to himself. Tom had suffered enough. "Nothing happened."

Tom sighed. "Why the fuck would you do that?"

Felix smiled. "I don't know.....you never can tell what FOOF will do or say."

Tom nodded. "Okay, I deserved that." He said then took the water and began to drink.

"Although..." he said trying to shift the blanket to view Tom's crotch. "Very nice...by the way."

Tom gripped the sheet closer to his body and shifted back. "Fuck off Foo...I mean Felix."

Felix nodded. "Here take these too." He said holding out some Aspirin.

Tom took them. "Thank you."

"Thank youuuu....."

"Felix." Tom said then threw them into his mouth and chased them with water.

"Why did you help me?"

Felix sighed. "Because I know what it is like to want someone you can't have...especially when that someone is Nathan."

Tom nodded. "Well, I am just happy we are friends again."

Felix smiled. "It will get better once you fall in love again."

Tom nodded. "Like you and Trevor. That had to help right?"

Felix frowned. "No, well I mean it did for a time being but we are not together anymore."

"I'm sorry." Tom said.

Felix smiled. "Thank you Thomas that actually felt genuine.

Tom playfully shoved him.

Felix giggled then grabbed his glass and stood up. "More?"

Tom smiled. "Tea?"

Felix smiled. "Of course sweetie." He said then turned to head back into the kitchen.

Tom watched Foof....Felix. Even his subconscious needed to get used to calling him by his actual name.

Felix was wearing these tight sweatpants that fell off of his hip in such a way that was...sexy.

Tom shook his head and fell back onto the bed

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Tom shook his head and fell back onto the bed. "No. No no." he said soflty to himself.

He kept his eyes closed until he heard the fridge open.

Tom squinted one eye open and saw Felix bending over looking into the fridge. His ass in those sweatpants... "Fuck." He said quietly to himself.

He again became very aware that he was naked. Shit.

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