Chapter 15: Darius Is Enraged! A Story To Tell And An Intruder To Kill!

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Pic of Rin Hakushi

A/N: Since we finally made it to the 15th chapter, I decided to add an official soundtrack for this fanfiction. The song for this chapter is called "Painkiller" by Three Days Grace. I hope you enjoy the song as much as I do. X3

Now back to the story

(Jack's POV)

"So..cold..." Lucy complained as she dragged her feet on the sand.

The desert became cold once the sun was gone. It didn't bother me at all since I'm a storm dragon slayer. I'm a bit more resistant to temperatures and/or anything related to the weather. It was cool that I could see my breath every time that I'd exhale from my mouth or nostrils though. It's been a long time. The moon was full and the stars were beautifully set. From time to time I'd look up towards the sky and identify the constellations, which would distract me from what the others were discussing...or complaining...or whatever they were doing...


The topic was supposed to be strategy, figuring out a way to infiltrate the castle and deafeat the bad guys but it wasn't really what I would describe as such. Lucy and I had already described how the kingdom looked, its entrance and exits, the dungeon, the sheer numbers of the villagers, everything we saw and noticed, and still could remember.

I don't think Natsu was paying much attention to the descriptions. He kept yawning and dragging his feet tired from the walking, claiming that he was bored and couldn't wait to kick ass. Lucy walked beside him and me. Happy kept flying around us. Erza and Gray mostly talked about the strategy while Wendy listened, not really knowing what to suggest. Carla walked next to Wendy, keeping her company and talking to her from time to time.

Gray heard what Lucy said and looked towards the Celestial Mage. He told her something before continuing his conversation with Erza.

"It's not cold, Lucy, stop whining." The pervert wasn't even wearing a shirt. I seriously don't know what to say about him.

"IT'S NOT COLD FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE USED TO IT!" Lucy complains. Happy flies to Lucy's side and starts to giggle.

"Lucy, I don't know if YOU know buuuuut... short clothes aren't the only clothes out there on sale..." Happy told Lucy, trying to hold in his laughter with his paws.

I blink and the next thing I know, Happy is on the floor with smoke coming out of a bump on his head. Happy stood up after a while and his stomach growled.

"I'm hungry!!!" Happy exclaimed, now setting his eyes on me. "JAAAAAAAACCKKKK...!!!"

I take off my jacket and offer it to Lucy. "Here, put this on."

"Thanks Jack!" Lucy says, smiling in relief while Happy stayed behind with another bump in his head, courtesy of me. I was gonna flip if he mentioned the amount of fishes I owed him.

"We'd need to blend in with the villagers and make our way through the streets to pull that off." says Erza, strategizing with Gray.

"AAAAHHH! I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!! LET'S JUST RUN OVER THERE, BEAT UP EVERYONE, SAVE THE PEOPLE, AND BE DONE WITH THIS!" Natsu complains. He screams out as adrenaline courses through his body and starts to run, although he wasn't able to make it far since Erza grabbed a hold of his scarf and pulled him back, making him fall from the momentum.

I laughed for a second before I noticed Wendy stopping and waiting for me to reach her. When I do, she continues to walk next to me with Carla by her side.

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