The bell rung to dismiss class and Aiden ran up to me. "What luck, right?" He smiled and hiked his backpack up on his shoulder. "So, I'll come by your place, or would you rather come to mine." I thought for a second before telling him that my place would be the safest. "Alright, I'll see you later then? Around 5?" I nodded and he walked off with a few friends. Mel walked up beside me and frowned.

"I'm bringing Jacob over your house. Last week he tried to hit on me and even after telling him that I was in no shape or form, interested in boys, he still tried. So there is no way in hell that I will be alone with him. What time is Aiden coming over, they're friends, maybe he could beat it into his head or something." I hugged my books close to my chest and held up 5 fingers and smiled. "Anyways, what are the odds you know? You being partnered with both of your lovas." I rolled my eyes and frowned at her. 

"The odds are terrible, but fate hates me so." I sighed and we walked to our second class and I let Mel talk my ear off about Jacob. I walked into class and took my normal seat near Tyler and Mel sat next to me. 

"Hey, you used protection right?" I looked up from the paper on my desk and frowned. "I just wouldn't want you to get pregnant our anything. Concerned mom friend here." She rubbed her hands together nervously. 

"Of course I did. And plus I'm on the pill so, yanno." She nodded and I scribbled my name onto my paper just as Tyler was taking his seat. "Hey Tyler." He smiled and pulled out last nights homework. We hadn't really talked since the last project we did for english class and I was thankful for that. After the kiss I had shared with him, I was more than happy to not talk to him. 

"Uh, Anna... Hey, um. I was um wondering if you would maybe, um like, I don't know-" He rubbed the back of his head and I groaned in my head. "Will you tutor me?" I smiled and nodded and he sighed a breath of relief. "Thank you so much. I'm failing like 3 classes and I really needed the help. So can we start today? Maybe at 5?" I laughed and he looked at me confused.

"I actually can't today. Um, maybe tomorrow?" He nodded and the teacher started the lesson.


School ended and I waited out by my car for Kyle to come out. He groaned as he tossed his backpack into the backseat. "What's wrong with you?" He looked at me as he climbed into the front seat and frowned. "What, did I do something?"

"Yeah, you got me sick," I rolled my eyes and began the 5 minutes drive to our houses. 

"I distinctly remember you saying that I was 'worth it'. Or was that just something you said to get into my pants." He had a surprised look on his face and I laughed. "Only joking." The drive was silent until I pulled into my driveway and Kyle looked over at me. "What?" He smiled.

"Are you free?" I laughed and turned off the car. 

"No, I have company coming over at around 5." I got out of the car and walked to the door. I unlocked the house door and was about to open it when Kyle tapped my shoulder. I turned around and his hands gripped my shoulder and he pulled me close to him, smashing his lips against mine. I immediately melted into the kiss and we backed into the closed door. His arms left my shoulders and went on both sides of me. He moved closer to me, grinding slowly as the kiss became more intense. I broke away from the kiss and looked at him in the eyes. "What are you doing?"

"You said you had company coming over at 5, its..." He pulled out his phone, his arm still trapping me between the door. "3:27, I want you." He kissed my neck and I felt the heat from his breath against my neck. "I want you, 24/7" His hands slipped down to my waist and he pulled me closer. "I don't know what you did to me, but you are literally all I think about." My hand slipped onto the doorknob as his lips met mine again. I pushed the door open and backed into the house, my arms wrapping around his neck as he kicked the door close. His hands gripped my hips tighter and lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. 

He carried me upstairs and laid me down on the bed, stripping off his shirt and mine. His skin touched mine as he moved closer to me, the warmth of his chest touching my bare skin. I moaned aloud which pleased him as his lips met my neck again. "Kyle..." He looked at me, his eyes filled with lust. "I think about you too." He smiled and kissed me. Softer than the kiss we shared earlier and given the circumstances, the kiss felt less sexual and more romantic. I grabbed the back of his head and attempted to kiss him harder. He returned the kiss, and the romance was replaced with lust and we were once again hot. 

This is where I made my second mistake with Kyle. 

I pulled my hair into a ponytail and looked at the mess of clothes scattered on the ground. Kyle was asleep in my bed and I was looking for my clothes when my bedroom door opened. I grabbed the sheet and quickly wrapped it around my body as Mel walked into the room. "OH MY F-" I covered her mouth for the second time today and dragged her out of the room. "Annnaaaaaa, Is that Kyle in there." I nodded and she gasped. "You're naked.. ANNA YOU'RE NAKED. Is he naked?" She reached behind and looked into the room where Kyle was covered by only a blanket. She slammed the door close and I heard a thump behind it. "He's naked." 

"Thank you captain obvious." She rolled her eyes and Kyle opened up the door, dressed. "You should probably leave." He nodded and looked at Mel. She all but snarled at him and he laughed. He grabbed my wrist and spun me, locking his lips onto mine. He broke apart from the kiss, tipping his imaginary hat and left through my bedroom window. Mel looked at me and frowned and I shrugged my shoulders. She rolled her eyes and went back downstairs while I got dressed. 

I ran downstairs and checked the time. I still had 30 minutes left until the rest of the group got here so I decided to make Mel and I food. She walked into the kitchen and crossed her arms across her chest and set in the stool by the counter. "I'm not mad at you. I just don't like him. He knows that. Which is why he kiss you in front of me. He knows that I don't like him. What happened to you liking Aiden?" She groaned and twisted around in the chair. 

"I do like Aiden... A lot. But, Kyle.. I don't know." I shook my head and pulled out the materials to make a sandwich.

"You like him..." I shrugged my shoulders and she sighed. "I'm just worried... that you'll get attached and he'll break you." I felt her arms wrap around my shoulders and she laid her head on my shoulder. "If you trust him, then so do I." She sighed and sat back in the stool. I passed her a sandwich and we quickly ate them. The doorbell rung and Mel rushed into the living room and let both Aiden and Jacob into the house. 

"Hey, I uh, didn't know what to bring, so I just brought, all of this." Aiden released the art supplies and let them fall onto the table and smiled at me. I walked over to the table and began to sort through through the supplies and nodded at him.

"This is perfect!" He smiled and sat down next to me on the floor. His hand snaked over and he looped his finger through mine. 

Yup, perfect...

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