Chapter Six: Why is it always the bad-boys?

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Why is it always the bad-boys? 


Luke stayed for an extra twenty minutes; we talked about everything except school. That was a topic I was trying to avoid and he didn’t seem to want to talk about it either.

“So have you watched—" I began to say but I was cut off by the sound of a beeping phone. At first I thought it was mine, until I saw Luke answer the phone.

“Hi. I was actually busy. Oh okay I’ll be there in—” he paused to look at the gold watch on his left arm, “five. Give me five minutes.” He said finally. My heart sunk, but he obviously had better things to do.

“Hey Mia, I have to go.”

“Why?” I blurted out before I could shut myself up. Could I be anymore desperate?

This was a guy who nearly killed me yet I was begging him to stay? I really needed to sleep. Yes, that was what I’d blame it on, lack of sleep.

“Family issues. As much as I would like to sit here and talk to you, I really do have to go," he said sounding sincere.

“Family issues? What family issues?” I always wanted to know more about everyone and everything, it was my weakness. Curiosity. And also I didn’t want him to leave.

‘Maybe if he admitted there was nothing he had to do he could stay a little while longer’ I thought. Listen to me, I sounded desperate.

It was just that I had never felt this way about any boy before. My mum and Josh once accused me of being Lesbian —cringe worthy right?

“Curious young thing aren’t you. Umm, well…” he trailed of and bit his lower lip softly. He looked even more attractive when he did that.

“You can trust me.” A lot of people said those words but not all of them meant them. I always kept a secret, that’s why people trusted me. “I give you my word that this will stay between us.”

“Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.” He sang.

“If you don’t want to tell me it’s okay.”

“It’s not that serious. My dad is sick that’s all.” He whispered and my heart ached for him.

“Oh.” I whispered. “I’m really sorry Luke.” I understood what he was going through, I once said exactly what he was saying when my dad was sick. “Are you still going back to school?”

“Yes of course and it’s fine really.” He said rolling his eyes, “everyone gets sick right? See you at the party.” I didn’t want him to go but I didn't voice my complaint when he stood up from the couch.

Wait a minute! He scared me so badly I almost fainted but I still wanted him to stay with me? That was beyond weird, I should despise him. 

"Wait Luke.” I yelled.


“I’ll pray for you and your family and you go to Jacksonville Boarding School.” I said mockingly. “I’ll see you there…” I said while smiling at him.

He scoffed at me. "Oh, yeah, that. I think you mean Jacksonville prison! No wonder I didn't recognize the name!" he said. "Ugh! It's tomorrow." He complained as he shook his head slightly. "I wonder what I got in my Biology exam," he muttered. 

"Hmmm, Don't remind me." I said while shaking my head. That exam was… almost impossible. Just the mere thought of it made my hands cramp and head sting. It was that bad. 

"Please, you probably got an A. You are a freaking genius. By the way have you packed yet?" he asked while leaning on the open door frame casually and looking sexy.  

"Oh please Mr. Luke You probably got an A. Yeah, of course.”

“Yes. Unfortunately my mother packed for me.” His words made me laugh at him. He was seventeen, shouldn’t he have been packing his own stuff? Mummies boy.

“You’re such a mummies boy.” My comment earned me a scowl. Even when he was angry he still looked irresistible. he was attractive, no doubt about that but I didn't like him that way. 

‘He has a girlfriend.’ My subconscious reminded me and I internally rolled my eyes at her. As if I was unaware of that fact. I knew he had a girlfriend, everyone knew, I just didn’t want to think of her.

And since when was it wrong to find someone attractive. It wasn’t like I was saying ‘I’m going to kiss him.’ Even though I wanted too really badly. 

My subconscious shook her head at me and pouted. 'What? wanting to kiss someone doesn't mean you like them okay?'


'Yes! Really, it's just that his lips are so red and plump— look everyone has a little crush on him okay. Even if they don't admit it. I just like his face and his body, nothing else.' I told her. 

'Okay, if you say so...' 

She was so annoying. Why didn't she believe that I didn't like him. How could I really like him, I knew next to nothing about him, except for the fact that his father was sick. Of course he was my friend and all but to be honest I didn't really know much about him. 

Was I just talking to myself in my head? I swear used to be normal. 

“I really don't want go Luke." I said while dragging out the 'go' He giggled.

"Neither do I... I really need to go now,” He whispered while tousling his dark brown hair adorably.

“Okay, sleep with one eye open!” I said while rubbing my eyes. Fatigue washed over me and I yawned loudly. “I’m tired.” I purred.

"You’re cute when you’re tired.” He said and I beamed despite being totally knackered. Did he just call me cute? Maybe it was the fatigue talking.

“See you in Prison." With that witty remark he left my house and I instantly began to miss him. Why did I miss him? Didn't he almost give me heart attack? He could have killed me; literally and here I am hoping he would just come back.

After three minutes I realized I was being selfish, he needed to visit his sick father and I needed to set my sights on someone who didn’t have a girlfriend. Or should I say plenty of girlfriends. 

~~~Authors Note~~~ 

Well, I decided to change 'I think I'm Paranoid'

Hopefully all of you like it. If not, please tell me why, I'd love to know. I know this is story is weird, but it's not always going to be weird, please give it a chance and if you spot any problems please tell me, I love feedback and I always try to listen.

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Dedicated to the Awesomely talented @xXForever_LoveXx She's an excellent Wattpad friend of mine! I love her so much; she's my Wattpad Family! Keep on being awesome. Please check out her stuff, you'll have so much fun! Trust me!

Question of the Chapter: *What do you think about love?*

Song Suggestion: Accidentaly In Love by Counting Crows

"Just to cure it 'cause I ignore it if's love"- Counting Crows

Next Update: Some time soon 

~Much Love Ally

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