Moving In and other news

Start from the beginning

i put our clothes away in the new dressers and closets. 

I finished the other rooms within the next two  hours and made my way back to the bathroom i took a quick shower and went to our new bedroom.

Sitting in the chair that was placed next to the window i sat there in my robe, just looking out again.

Thinking of how we will like it here, what will it be like, will we meet new friends? Will we actually be getting married.

I jumped not noticing blake being here until he rubbed my shoulders.

"Angel did you do all this?" he asked rubbing his eyes

"Yeah, you were sleeping and i didn't want to wake you." i said getting up

"Well is there something you didn't do?" he asked rubbing my cheek

"Set up the T.v."

"You go finish getting ready for bed and i will put a T.v. in our room okay?" he asked

"Sounds good to me." i said kissing him

i ran over to the closet that was as big as the bathroom.

grabbed a pair of shorts and one of blakes shirts, i put lotion on my body an tied my hair up. by the time i got back the T.v. was set up and sports center was on.

i made my way to the bed and sat under the covers, i pluged my phone in and looked at the time. 12:06 A.M. it read.

"Happy Birthday Babe." i said kissing him while climbing on top

Before i new it we were on our last peice of clothing breaking in the new bed and apartment.

When we finished Blake instantly fell asleep, i stayed up until 2 just  looking at him sleep.



 Four months later...

"Good  Night Trish see ya tomorrow!" i said putting my hair supplies away.

"Good night girl! drive safe " she said huggin me good bye

making my way home i  notice how roudy it is since tomorrow was a Football game.

Once i unlocked the  front door i noticed the delicious aroma that filled my senses

"Blake honey?" i asked

"yup In the kitchen Angel!" i hear him shout  i smile while going through the mail i see a card from jessie and chris.

"Babe your parents sent us a card." i said sitting at the counter  while he made dinner at stove

"Yeah what does it say?" he asked while throwing spices on his chicken

i ripped open the envoloupe and it read in fancy cursive writting

"Thinking about you guys " was on the front i smiled seeing that jessie crossed out you and put guys

"I  hope you guy's haven't forgot about us!

WE ALL miss you guy's!  it's been VERY crazy back here, Katherine and her damn mood swings are killing us all.

But we love her and Jackson is taking care of all of them he's  a great guy Kaitlyn also misses you guys along with your parents nikki!  we had dinner with them tuesday night and your mom started to cry which caused  me to cry then katherine started !

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