~ When You're Sick ~

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Armin - Armin will always stay by your side, getting you things when you need them, even when you told him to go he almost aways refuses and stays with you. He will play with your head and talk to you to try and get his mind off things, even if he got sick afterwards he wouldn't care, it was all for you.


Levi - Levi will try to stay with you but at the same time do his work, you knew he was a busy man and you accepted that he had to get things done, but he would always end up giving up on his work and stay with you for the rest of the day.


Jean - Jean being the stubborn idiot he is, he stays with you no madder the consequences, you will beg him to go to training or at least tell someone he's with you, but everything single time he replies with "I'm not leaving you alone". He would keep you compony and try not to make you lonely, he will play with her hair and rub circles on your stomach to try and calm you down and get your mind off everything.


Eren - He never likes to see you in pain so he would normally help you in any way that he can, while at the same time doing the things he needs to do, if the commander said that he was allowed to stay with you though he wouldn't leave you for even a second, even going as far as giving up his dinner just to be with you.


Ayeee!! 3k reads, nice, but you know what is even nicer, the fact that my now Instagram account (@Kentuckyfriedarmin, shameless plug), has gotten 1.1k followers even thou it's only been up for like 3 days which is INSANE like you don't understand how awesome that is, so thank you. But thanks for 3k reads that means so much, this book is seriously growing more and more each day and it means so much.

and if you guys have any more ideas please said them to me in the comments because I'm running out of ideas (Seriously help please), but everything aside, thank you so much and I love you all, bye <3

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