
1.4K 14 1

Hello, it's ya boi ana who needs to learn to update regularly lmao.

But dude wtf 46.2k reads, what is this madness, is this fucking legal wtf, do you know hOW MANY PEOPLE THAT IS IM SCREAMING THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUU.

But I'm sorry I haven't updated a lot, I've been so fucking busy with family issues and school and hospital, you know the casual fun stuff.

I am trying my best to write regularly but it really hasn't worked out because I haven't had my computer as of late, I only have my phone, which I'm writing on right now on a bus lmao, classy.

But I'm sorry for not updating, I promise I'm still alive I'm just going through a lot of shit and having really fucking bad writers block, so it would mean the world if you could suggest things because I'm lazy as shit and can't come up with my own ideas.

If you want too, you don't have too, but follow me on Instagram, @anabushby or @anabushbyx2 for updates I guess.

Jk I just want more followers cause I'm a attention whore :))

But thank you so much for 46.2k reads, you don't understand how much that means too me and I'm so fucking happy that people are reading this and enjoying it, thank you for your never ending support and love, I haven't even gotten one hate comment yet and that's amazing, so thank you, I love you all.

Instagram @anabushby or @anabushbyx2

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