~ When You Have Nightmares ~

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Armin - You would normally have bad dreams about Armin dying like how your father died in your arms. You would toss and turn and sometimes even start crying and talking in your sleep. When Armin noticed this he would pull you into a hug and start whispering things in your ear to try and calm you down. You always woke up in his arms and feel safe once again.


Levi - Levi very rarely sleeps, and when he does its only for 2 - 3 hours, the rest of the night he would stay staring at you as you were peacefully asleep, once he noticed your sudden movements and sweat from the bad dream you were having, he would grab your hair and start playing with it gently and rub your face. You very rarely woke up because Levi would calm you down.


Jean - Jean would always wake you up, he hated seeing you in pain, normally you would wake up in tears as you remembered the events of your past. Jean would take you down to the pond when ever you could calm yourself down, but that was quite rare.


Eren - Eren would hug you tightly, squeeing you as he whispered things into your ear to calm you down. For some reason your body could feel when Eren was present and calm you down almost intantly. You would fall asleep in each others arms.

---- AUTHORS NOTE ----

I AM LITERALLY SO FUCKING MAD AT INSTAGRAM AT THE MOMENT. So as some of you may know after reading my last chapter (more like rant), my Instagram account was disabaled for bull shit and it was completely unfair. So after a while I get it back all good and dandy, then not even 3 hours after getting my account back, it's disabled AGAIN for some other bull shit that I can't even be bothered solving, I honestly have bettter things to do than deal with all that shit again...

so yeah, my new instagram is @Kentuckyfriedarmin (Don't kill meh plz), so if you want to see some dank memes, follow me there :)).

Thank you for so many reads on this holy fuck, I'm getting atleast 100 reads per day and thats insane, also thanks for 150 votes, LOVE YOU ALL xx <3

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