16. Just a One Time Thing: Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Ow!" I said trying to pull my hand back, but she had a good grip on my wrist.

"Stop acting like such a baby. My nephew takes this stuff like a boss and you're whining like a little pansycake." The woman said and I glared at her.

"It stung okay?" I said watching as the woman dried my hand off and placed a bandaid on each of my fingers.

"SpongeBob? Really?" I said frowning at my fingers.

"You whined, so you can't get a grown up bandaid." The woman said closing the first aid kit and putting it back in it's respective place.

"You're the queen of petty right now." I said shaking my head and standing from the toilet.

"And you're a crybaby." The woman countered and I just rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to go finish my food before it gets too cold. Well try to anyway. It's not really that good. I said I loved it, but I lied. I was just trying to be nice, but since you're being mean, I can be that way too." I said leaving the bathroom. I heard Raya chuckle at my words and of course it had an effect on me.

"You love my food and you know it." The woman called out behind me. She was right, but I wouldn't tell her that.


"How are your fingers feeling?" Raya asked me randomly.

We had finished eating and I helped her clean the kitchen. We settled in the living room afterwards and were trying to find something good to watch on tv.

"If you're making fun of me, fuck off." I said because honestly, I was irritated with the woman.

She had been bothering me the entire night. She wouldn't let the whole cry baby thing go and on top of that, she was barely letting me touch anything. She even took it upon herself to help me to the living room. She was mocking me and I didn't like it. I wasn't mad, but I wanted her to stop.

"I'm not. I swear. I'm just asking. That glass got you pretty good. Any deeper and you might have needed stitches." The woman said and I turned to her and she was obviously trying to hold back a smile.

"Fuck you, Raya." I said rolling my eyes, but not being able to fight a smile. Her's was contagious.

"You do realize that I can run the hell out of you for talking to me like that right?" The woman asked and I couldn't tell if she was serious. I was feeling a little bold at the moment, so I decided to test the waters.

"Yeah, but you won't." I said making the woman scoff.

"And what makes you think I wouldn't?" The woman asked sitting on her leg and turning so she was facing me completely.

"The fact that I'm your favorite." I told the woman and she rolled her eyes.

"I already told you that I don't choose favorites." The woman said and now I was the one rolling my eyes.

"How many other players have spent the night here?" I asked.

"None, but I let you come here because I know that you didn't always get to go home for breaks and I didn't want you to be alone." The woman spoke and her reason was pretty legit, but I still knew that wasn't the only reason.

Sex, Love, and Basketball *Books 1 and 2* (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now