Chapter TwentyFour - Its Over

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"No! Not this!" Maddie said.

"Then what?"

She serched through the cupboard, which was already set for me. "This one!" She picked out a blue dress which came up till my knees.

"This one's good." I took the dress and wore it. I came out of the washroom and "Ta-da" 

"Perfect!" she said.  "Now, make up"

"No!" I whined. 

"Yes" she mocked me.


I think I took 3 hours to get ready. "Now you're ready!"

We went down to the car and drove to the hotel. After a 15 minute drive we reached in front of a lavish restaurant. "Options" it wrote (A/N :I just made that up:P)

"Ready?" Maddie asked. "I'm am so nervous." I said. "Just be normal, and don't drool over the food." she joked

"I do not drool over food." I protested

"I mean the food looks delicious! That's why. Now go!" she said. I went inside the hotel and a waitress took me to the 3rd floor. I followed her and she guided me to a table, where a woman in her mid 25's and a man in his mid 30's. "Ashley? Ashley Scott?" he man asked.


"I'm Robert and this is Leah." we shook hands and I took a seat. This is going to be a long dinner......


"Well, you got yourself a job. You are a model for Forever21. " Robert said. I gave a big ear-to-ear smile. "Thank you." I said.

No sooner had I left. I sat inside the car and screamed. "I'll take that as a yes." Hal said.

"YES! OH HAL! MY LIFE IS JUST GETTING BETTER AND BETTER!!!" I said. I texted Maddie and my phone buzzed while texting Maddie.

Unknown: How's ur day going? xxBeau

Me: So that's y u took my phone.

Unknown: im so intlegnte!

Me: fool, u dnt even know da spelling of intelligent!

Unknown: So where r u?

me: heading home..

Unknown: U free 2morrow?

me: I guess......i'll see.

Unknown: later, bye xx

me: byee


The car was parked and I ran inside and called Nathan. "Hello?" he said


"Got what?"


"That's amazing!" I talked to Nathan for a while and changed into the Onesie. I jumped on my bed and drifted into a deep sleep.


Nathan's Pov:

We landed in LA and I was tired as fuck. I got a call from Scooter. "Be there by 5:30,"

"Yeah, mate." I hung up. We drove back to the house. "HOME!" Max shouted. "honestly Max, how do you stay with Lucy for months?!" I asked.

"Its hard mate." Max said. "Its like I'm missing a body part."

"don't worry Nate, she'll be back." Kelsey said and patted my back. I nodded and went upto my room. I didn't even change and I slept.


I wore an orange shirt with jeans and my converse. Big Kev drove to the recording studio.

It took us 20 mins to reach there. I went inside, to the 8th floor. "Knock Knock" I said. I came inside and met all the people and lastly Ariana. "Hey," I gave her a hug. "So, what's going on?"

"Well, I wrote the song, and its a slow love song, so its gotta be a pitchy kinda song. Filled with emotion"

"Oh im definitely, filled with emotion." I said. She laughed and I read the lyrics and "You wrote this?" I asked

"Only the chorus."

"Its good, so how does the tune go?" We spent 2 hours on the tune and all. "Now, we record it" she said. I plummeted on the sofa  and "No way! I'm so tired!" I whined. She sat next to me "You think I'm not?!" she said

"How does your hair stand like this?" she touched the tip of my hair.

 I pointed at her and "Is she always like this?" I asked. I leaned on the sofa. Ariana's head rested on my shoulder and her hands wrapped around my neck. I could feel someone looking at me. I snapped my head in the other direction and no one was there. I could have sworn I saw Ashley there.

We had recorded the first part of the song and I was on my way home when Max sent me a message.

Max: Where are you?

Me: On my way.

I went inside the house "Hey, guys." I said.

"Sup, how was the recording?" Tom asked

"Good," I said. I sat on the sofa and started watching TV. Jay cleared his throat and "Nate, I was wondering if I could borrow your......charger?" he asked.

"Yeah, its right there" I said

"Okay, and also your laptop." I raised my eyebrow "I need some songs,"

I groaned and stomped up to my room. I opened the door and............Ashley was in the balcony. "ASHLEY!!!??" I shouted. I ran up to her and hugged her.

"Hi," she said.

"O my god! Your back! But how weren't you supposed to be in London?! How was your photoshoot?" I pulled away and Ashley was looking down. "Hey...." I cupped her face with my hands and made her look at me. Her eyes were filled with tears. "Ashley? Whats wrong?"

She pushed me away. "What were you doing?" I asked


"In the studio! What were you doing!?"

"Recording the song."


"Wha? I-"


"Ashley, I would nev-"

"The show's gonna get over, I don't want any scene." she said. "Its over, Nate, I'm flying back to London tomorrow......" she said and walked away....

What did I do?



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