Chapter Fifteen - The Interview

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The others got up "Morning babe" Nathan said

"Morning" I replied. After an hour or so the stylists had come. I wore outfit and so did the girls. (The first one is Ashley's, second one is Nareesha's, third one is Lucy's and the fourth one is Kelsey's)

Then the boys got ready and Ryan Secrest came. We girls were in the TV room and the boys were outside interviewing.

"So, do you think its agood idea that we go without the boys?" Kelsey asked

"Of course it is! They wont mind" Nareesha said. I rolled my eyes at Nareesha. She's the mature one along with Lucy. Kelsey and I are the immature ones.

"As long as Kelsey keeps her mouth shut" Lucy said.

"I wont tell him anything" Kelsey said.

"Come on, lets go check on the boys." I said. We peeped outside and Ryan was talking to them. "So, Nathan, whats the new romance?" Why does everyone have to ask that question?

"Umm" He let out a small laugh. "I met her in a party. Then I thought of bringing her with us. I obviously thought that cause I liked her"

"And he had no guts to tell her" Tom butted in.

"Then, George helped me. He's like 'Tell her!' im like 'No!' after him pleading to me I finally told her"

"What was her reaction?"

He burst out laughing. "I....I like tom said, I didn't have guts to tell her, I sang a song. Then she was completely in shock mode" He acted like me. The girls started laughing. "I do not look like that" I spat.


Now it was our turn and Ryan sorted his papers. "I'm here at The Wanted's house and this is an exclusive interview with The Wanted Girls'' he said. Yeah, the boys named us 'The Wanted Girls'.

"So, girls, how have you been?" he asked


"Very well"


"Good" We all answered.

"So, how's it been? How's it been with the boys. Nareesha. You've been with Siva for 4 years?"

"5" she nodded

"5 years, so how are you coping up with his busy schedule? Does he have time for you? Does he spend time with you?" God, they ask so many questions.

"Its been hard but...." Nareesha started off. Now, it was time for us to do a single question answer thingy.

"So, Ashley, hows your new Paps life?"

"Quite fun actually. I mean, where ever you go out they'll be like. 'Oh! You're The Wanted's friend' an I'm like 'Yeah' and then they'll be like 'Could you call Nathan?' " Ryan laughs. "And I'm like 'Suuurreee' " I continued.

I think he talked to me for 30 minutes. "And cut!" Finally. I walked back inside and it was Lucy's turn. "How was I?" I asked

"Amazing, as always" he whispered.

"Ashley" Kelsey called out. I went over to the TV room. "Ashley, I think we should tell Jay" Nareesha said


"We will have to, Cause when we get home Nareesha is the only one who wont be drunk, and Jay can help us.....walk?

"Ugh fine" Kelsey called Jay.

"Whats up Ladies?" he asked

"Jay we need you to do something for us?"


"Look we decided......" Kelsey started. "So, now, we want you to come with Big Kev when we're done"

"When did you plan this?"

"Today morning"

"Ok, I'll do it"

"But, you gotta shut up, or I'll beat the shit ouuta you" I warned.

He held his hands up in defense. "Lips sealed"



I slipped into bed and Nathan wrapped his hands around my waist. "Goodnight" I said

"Night" he whispered and kissed my cheek. Ok, now all I have to do is try NOT to fall asleep.


Yay! Updated. And thanks everyone who followed me and who read my stories!

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