Chapter Twelve - He kissed me

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I went upstairs to get ready. I wore my outfit and put light makeup, I wore a bracelet and a ring. I wore my heels and came down. (------> outfit at the side) 

"You look amazing" Nathan said. "Thanks, Jay chose it" I said.

Jay came out and he looked so cute "Hey bird! Looking good!" Max said

"Thank you, Ashley chose it."

While we were talking and DJ earworm was playing songs I noticed 4 boys entering the house. "Hey Nathan" One said. Why do they look......Oh my. GEORGE SHELLEY?!

I looked at them and ran into the TV room and shut the door. The guest of honor was UNION J?! I am so killing Nathan. Moments later Jay entered and locked the door. He saw me "Oh! You scared me" He said. "What are you doing here?" I asked

"Well, I should be asking that."


"He's just a boy, I have a bigger problem. The boys called THE SATURDAYS! I AM SO NERVOUS. AND VANESSA IS THERE!"

"So? She's just a girl. George Shelley is a bigger problem!"

My phone rang. "Shit. Its Nathan. What do I tell him?"

"tell him we are not at home" Jay said.


"Ashley? Where are you? Where's Jay?"

"Jay's with me...."

"Where are you guys?"

"We are in the TV..." I said. "Store!"

"What are you doing in the TV room?"

"I said store"

"Well, I can hear you taking from inside." The door unlocked and Nathan entered with Kelsey. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Uh....nothing?" Jay said. Kelsey caught Jay's wrist and Nathan caught mine. "No! I am not going outside! George Shelley is outside! No way!" I said.

"Did someone call me?" George entered. Holy crap. I stood properly. "Hi, I'm George" he said

"H-hi, I-I'm A-a-Ashley" I stuttered. My god. I never stutter. Ok once I did. "Happy birthday" he said. "Thank you" I replied. "Happy birthday Bird" George said and hugged Jay. "Come on" Jay didn't move from his place.

"Mate? You alright?"

"Can we sit here and talk?" Jay asked.

"Its alright mate, I know the feeling when you are gonna meet your celeb crush" George said and winked at me. I swear, I was about to pass out.

We dragged Jay out and "Happy birthday Jay" Vanessa said and hugged him. Man, his face was so funny!

"Happy birthday, this is from Triple J" Josh handed me a box "and this is from me" George handed me another box. "Thank you" I said. Josh, JJ and Jaymi went with the others and I was stuck with George

"So, hows it like with fans running around?" I asked George.

"Its....odd. I mean I was just a regular guy working at a coffee shop. And now I'm George Shelley. Some people may go 'who's that?' and some go 'OH MY GOD! GEORGE SHELLEY!' " he said in a girly tone. I laughed and he kept staring at me. "You have really cute laugh" he said. "Nathan's lucky to have you"


"Ashley, have you seen the way he looks at you? I've never seen him like that. He likes you"

"no way. He cant like me. I'm just a small town girl. He's a big pop star"

"Nothing matters in love. Trust me. That guy has no guts to tell you that he likes you" I laughed. "Tell you what. You make bets?"


"I bet you for 100 dollars that Nathan will tell you that he likes you TONIGHT."

"You'll lose."

"Lets see. Bet?" I bit my lip. "Bet. those 100 dollars are mine" "But just remember, Nathan really likes you. He's just scared to admit it" My phone rang. " Scuse me'' I answered it "Hello?"

"Hey, Ashley, its me Lucy"

"Hi Lucy"

"Happy birthday! I'm sorry I couldn't come......"

"Its alright."

"Is Jay around? He's not picking up his phone" I gave the phone to Jay.

"This is a special mix I made," DJ earworm says and plays a mix.

The mix had Union J's 'Carry You', The Saturdays' 'Gentlemen', 'What About Us', 'Notorious' and 'Higher' and The Wanted's 'Glad You Came', 'All Time Low', 'Chasing The Sun', 'I found You' and 'Walks Like Rihanna'

The boys were quite drunk. We girls, not that much. "Ashley, come here" Nathan grabbed my hand took me upstairs to the room. "What's up?" I asked. He looked right into my eyes "Uh....Nathan. You wanted to tell me something?"

" Okay, I have absolutely no Idea how say this but um...."

"Have I done something?"

"No, no, no...nothing. Its just that..." Why is the acting so nervous? "You look really good"

"Thanks, but you know that is not true"

He stepped closer and "Why is that?"

"Look, Nath, you're drunk"

"I'm not dru-"

"Yea you are. You don't know what you're saying plus you got-" I was cut off with Nathan's lips connecting with mine. The same feeling ignited again. The one I couldn't explain. I wrapped my hands around his neck. Then I realized what I was doing. I pulled away. "I'm sorry" I said and ran outside. "NO! Ashley! Wait" I ran into the gym and shut the door.

"Ashley! Open the door. I'm sorry. Please. Just open up! I'm really sorry" Nathan said. "Ashley!" he called again. "Ok, just come out. Union J and The Sats are leaving."

I wiped away my tears and opened the door. We said goodbye and DJ earworm left too. I went to the washroom and changed. Nathan was already sleeping on his bed.

I don't think he loves me. He was just drunk. I slipped into bed and Nathan's mouth was smelling. "Geez...Nathan, brush your teeth."

"doo iiii havvvveee toooo?" he whined. Defiantly drunk. "Yes, or else you'll sleep in the living room" I said. "Okkk" he went to the washroom.

Ok, so he's drunk. He didn't know what he was doing so, it should be alright. 

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