Chapter Five - My past

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"I'm tired"

"Me too....I've only packed half my wardrobe" Kels said

"Ok, guess i'll get some shut eye, good night!"

"Bye good night" I signed off. My phone buzzed

Nathan: done packing?

me: u think?

Nathan: I haven't even started

me: good. don't come behind me and say 'Ashley, help me pack!'

Nathan: that's not gonna happen

me: ok, I gotta sleep.

Nathan: I wont let you sleep

me: get out.

I changed into my night suit and slipped into bed. My phone rang. Nathan. "Ugh!" I disconnected it. He called me at least 10 times. I finally picked it up "WILL STOP IT?!"

"Oh, I see Ashley's missing me already"

"Can I please sleep....what do you want?"

"I'm bored. Talk to me"

"Urgh! Ok fine. What do wanna talk?"

"How about The Saturdays. They're a pretty good band."

"I know, Una's child is so cute....." and we continued talking. {A/N I forgot to mention they were talking through Skype)


I opened my eyes and my phone was to my ear. I talked to him the whole night? "Nathan?" I asked. I could hear him snore. I disconnected the call and went to the kitchen. I had some cereal and switched on the TV.

My phone rang. Amanda? "What?" I asked

"Hey, little sis. How are you?"

"What do you want?" I asked

"Ashley, don't tell me you're still mad at me"

"Of course I am. "

"Ashley, that was a year ago. And I told you i'm sorry"

"I don't want you're sorry shit, don't call me again!" I said

"Ash, Ash, Ash, wait. Can please meet you?"


"Please. I need to tell you something very important." she pleaded. "Ok, where?" I asked. "Starbuck, at 12" she said. "And no bringing Tyler. I don't wanna see his face. or yours." I hung up. I wore my outfit and went to my neighbor, Rachel's house. "Hi Rachel"

"Hello Ashley" She said holding her 2 year old. "Hi, Kevin" I said to her 2-year-old. "Rachel, can I borrow your husband's bike? Just for an hour?"

"Sure, he doen't need it today,"

"Thanks" She handed me the keys. I kiss Kevin on his cheek and went downstairs. Man, I loved his bike. A superbike

I drove to Starbucks. I looked around and saw Amanda with......Tyler. I walked over to Amanda, "What the fuck? I told you not to bring him!" I practically shouted.

"Ashley, calm down. Just sit. We need to tell you some thing...."

I sat down. "What?" I asked. She showed me her hand with a ring on it. "I'm getting married to Tyler. And, I am 4 weeks pregnant."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "You fucking called me here to tell me this? Aren't you ashamed?" I got up and walked towards the door. "Ashley Elizabeth Chase!"

"I'm Ashley Scott! I'm not a Chase! I don't have a family!" I shouted with tears coming out of my eyes.

I ran out of the shop and went back home. Kelsey called. "Are you done with your packing?" she asked

"No" I replied, sniffing.

"Ha! I'm done, I'm coming over"

"O-ok" I said. Within 10 minutes she came. "Ashley? What happened?" she asked

"Amanda and Tyler.....they're getting married" I said and cried. ''What?! How the fuck can they do that? O my.....Ashley, you will never talk to them. Never. Did you get me?" I nodded.

**A WEEK LATER** (4:30am)

I took my 3 suitcases down and my backpack. I kept all of them in the trunk "Kelsey. How many suitcases?"

"5" she said. "O my gosh!" We drove to the boys' house. "hey!" Tom said with his 'nicely' tone. I went upto Nathan's room and he was packing his stuff. "You done?"  I asked

"Yup!" he replied. "Ash, I need to ask you something". I nodded. "Why were you screaming at the starbucks shop last week?" Oh shit. "Ashley please tell me"

"Fine" I said. "2 years ago I met a boy named Tyler. He was really sweet and I started dating him. He was 20 and I was 18. Then 6 months later I found out that Tyler was cheating on me with my sister Amanda. My parents knew about it and they were fine with it. I got furious and left and came to London. I met Kelsey and I forgot about my past. Yesterday Amanda called me and told me that they both are getting married and Amanda is pregnant with Tyler's baby. My real name is Ashley Chase. But I changed it into Scott. That's why I was screaming" I explained. Nathan's mouth dropped open.


"My sister, that's for sure"


"Yup." I stood up. "Lets go"

"So, you're not emotional or anything?"

" fact im happy. And by the way. My real parents died when I was 9 years. then I got adopted."

"There you go. Another shocking thing. Anything else left?"

"And also I am addicted to coffee"

"Ok, enough, lets go"


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