Chapter TwentyThree - Being a Model

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Nathan's Pov:

"he's here, I'll call you later, bye" I said and hung up the phone. "hey man" I said and gave a hug to Scooter.

"Ashley?" he asked. I nodded. "How's her job going?"

"Pretty good" I said "So why did you call me?"

"Yeah, I was thinking, Ariana, she has done a song . I want you to feature in that"

"I, what?" I asked

"Sing in that song. Ariana is kind of if you feature in that......"

"Our band will become more popular." I continued.

"Exactly. And not only that, you two will sound great together! The song will be a hit!"

"Yeah okay, so when do I go for the recording?"

"Day after in Los Angeles."

"But we're going Vegas that day." I said.

"The trip is postponed. It's next week." I sighed and I gave him another hug and went back to the hotel..i sat in the car as we drove to the airport. "Whatsup?" Jay asked

"i'm doing a song with Ariana Grande" I said

"Cool mate. When?" Max asked

"Day after is the recording, we're going Vegas next week " I sighed.

"And what else happened?" Nareesha asked

"Ashley" Max, Siva and I said in unison. I rolled my eyes at them. I called up Ashley. Hey! Its Ashley, A bit busy just leave a message!

Ashley's Pov:

"I'm Beau" he said. "Jai" Jai said. "Ashley" I shook hands with them. Beau just smiles at me. Oh Fuck Ashley control.

"So you're the hot girl who's doing the photoshoot with us" Beau said. Jai punched him on the shoulder. "Dude, control you're hormones. She's taken" Jai said

"How do you kn-"

"Nathan Sykes" Jai said. "And i know from all the gossip on twitter" 

"Sorry guys, we have to get her ready, you guys go over to the third room"  Maddie said.

"See you later," Beau said and winked at me. Jai smacked him on his head and they both were smacking each other on their heads.and went out of the room and I just laughed.


I wore a short mid-thigh purple and black dress. My hair was open and straight.

"Ashley I want you to sit on the block and cross your legs. Daniel, I want you to sit down on your knees at the left and Jai I want you on the right. Beau I want your head to be on Ashley's right shoulder and Ashley, I want your hand On Beau's cheek. Luke I want you on the left shoulder. And James, your hands will be around Luke and Beau and you will be standing. and Ash you'll be holding James' hand." Our photographer instructed us.

He took around 15-20 photos. I went back in the dressing room. Emily curled the bottom of my hair while Maddie chose a dress for me. She picked out a golden V neck dress again mid-thigh and pencil heels.

 "Right, now I want Jai, Luke and Beau only." James and Daniel went and it was only us four.

"Ok Beau I want you to sit in front, Ashley your left hand around him and your right around Jai. Jai you bend down next to Beau. Luke I want you to be a badass like you are and stare at Ashley while she's bending down."

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