"Can you guys please keep it down, severely hung over person over here” Luke said rubbing his temples.

"it's your own fault" said Jace." that's my girl, told you, you could do it" he said giving me a hug. “but you really need a shower" I laughed. 

"On my way" I said taking off the boxing gloves and placing then on the bench next to tom. 

"You're up" Jace said to Luke. He grunted in protest. I walked back through the empty house and up the stairs to my room. I turned my shower on and walked back into my room. Flopping down on my bed I looked up at the ceiling. My phone buzzed on the little wooden table next to my bed, the noise was amplified by the wood making me jump. I picked it up; a message was already open on the screen. "Hey, it's Ashton. Do you wanna go for some coffee later”. It read. I decided to reply in a more creative way. I ripped a fresh piece of blank paper from the sketch pad in the second draw down of the table next to my bed. I grabbed the pen that was on the top of the desk. Sounds good. See you at 3. I wrote on the paper and stuck it to my window.  

There was a knock at the door. I was already down stairs. I put my shoes on and opened the door. 

"Alright" Ashton said. I nodded and followed him out of the house. "Glad to see you're not busied after training" he said walking with his hands in his pockets. It wasn't particularly warm; there was a chill in the air. 

"Yep, no busies today" I replayed turning the corner. "I really have no idea where we are going so you'll have to lead" 

"Don’t I always" he winked. “See you're warming to the charm, I can tell. You love it" 

"Do I now"

"Yeah, you do" he winked again. "Just a little further" he said as we got to the end of another block of houses.

"What’s with you and winking?" he always winked and I don't know what his deal is with it. I mean it was charming and very attractive, but he always did it.

"It adds to the charm and makes me look sexy"  

"Okay. Makes sense" 

"Did you just agree to call me sexy?" he smirked 


"I think you did" he held the coffee shop door open. It was a small little shop with 2 people serving and about 10 tables. It just simply called 'The Coffee Shop'. It was sweet and simple. The walks were white with brown trimming, wooden floors and brown leather seat. All of it matched and it ran with the whole theme without. 

 "What do you want?" Ashton asked as we walked up to the counter. 

"Latte please" I said as he ordered and I went to find a table. I found one right in the corner by the window. Ashton came back as soon as I sat down. "How did you find this" I asked him as he out his phone from his pocket on to the table. 

"I was just wondering one day and I just found it" he said as the waiter walked over and placed both cups down on the table. As he did so the sleeve of his black uniform raised slightly, revelling a black rune for perfect balance. Our eyes locked. There was something in his eyes that looked evil. I know it's weird to say but he did there was a glint of something...cruel. He looked at me and smiled, there was slyness to his smile. He walked away pulling down his sleeve. 

"Are you ok, you look like you've just seen a ghost" Ashton asked. I hadn't realized my mouth was wide open. I shut it with a snap. 

"Nope, I’m fine" Ashton nodded then took a sip of his coffee." so any particular reason you wanted to go to get coffee"

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