"If you want to have children in the future I suggest you stay away from me" I said letting go of his hands.

"Eyyyy feisty" he said and growled. Why couldn't I have gone to an all girl’s school so I wouldn't be surrounded by horny teen age boys all the time. I went back to work, well I went to try and find some of the tools that were missing. I walked over to the guy that was under the car. 

"You're gonna need a spanner not a wrench to do that" I said looking in his tool box. He wheeled himself out from under the car. It was Ashton. 

"Oh it’s you" I said getting what I need from his tool box and standing up.

"Nice to see you to, and no I need a wrench"

"No you don’t, it'll snap and then you'll have to use a filler, trust me" I said and walked off back to my car. 

 After break I had had another 2 hours of mechanics and it was now last period, I had English lit. I had found Luke at lunch, he had made friends with all the jocks, and already had cheerleaders wrapped around his little finger - not hard to believe. We both had the same English class. He also knew some people from it so he was going to walk with them; he was going to a diner after school with them so he said that he would meet me at home later. It was already back to normal, Luke was always popular, I had friends but I wasn't classed as one of the popular lot, back home. The bell went and I walked across the freshly cut grass towards where the English rooms were. I picked up my phone seeing a text from one of my friends back home asking me how it was going. I opened the message and began to type a reply. 

"hey" a familiar voice said from behind me making me jump and drop my phone." sorry" he laughed, it was Ashton. I bent down and picked my phone up, wiping the grass off of my phone with the end of my jacket sleeve. "Is that a ru....what's with the scar" he said referring to the scar at the bottom of my back. 

"I...it’s just a scar from when I fell when I was little” I said looked down at my hand and placing my phone back in my jacket pocket. I thought I had covered it, I obviously hadn't. 

"Ok" he said unconvinced. He wouldn't have known what it really was, surly; I would have known if he was one of us, they would have told us. No, he's human, you can tell. Just leave it he wouldn't know about it. I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that was carried with me and I walked with Ashton, the air was filled with silence. We walked to English not saying another thing. I guess he had the same class as me again. I went to the back and sat down, he sat next to me. The class began to fill up and soon every set was taken.  The class had a black and white tiled floor and wood walls, three massive glass windows where placed on the right hand side and there were book posters all around the walls. 

"Afternoon class" said a man in a brown tweed suite and matching brown shoes. He placed his brief case down next to his desk that was laden with papers. There was a black broad to the right of his desk that filled most of the wall. "This semester we will be looking at one type of book, we'll be look at the mortal instrument series; this is a sort of teen romance, supernatural, adventure, fantasy. we will be looking at these books because of the intriguing language they use and that face that they are the best selling book's for you age group at the moment and I want all of you to be interested. Their books are about shadow hunters, they are half human half angels that hunt demons. The mail characters Jace and Clary have a very complex relationship. we will be studding the first two chapters today and I would like you to explain in a five hundred word essay why it is intriguing, I also want you to read up until chapter 11 for next Wednesday" of all the books in the world he could have chosen, he had to chose that one, why that one. Luke look back at me and we exchanged looks. We wouldn't blow our cover, we couldn't, and it all depended on this. 

 The whole way through the class I and Luke exchanged nervous looks, even if someone found out they wouldn’t believe it, so there is nothing to worry about. I kept telling myself. I packed up my books back into my bag and got my keys out from the bottom of it. I walked out of the class and to where I had parked my bike.  I turned the corner and found a group of boys including Ashton all handing around my bike.

"Do you mind" I said and they all looked up.

"This is yours" Ashton asked in a shocked tone.

"Yes it is" 

"That’s hot" another boy said 

"Very" Ashton agreed. I put my bag on my bike and grabbed my helmet from the handle bars, the boys all walked off discussing between themselves.

"So" Ashton said touching my arm.

"Your charm doesn't work on me" 

"It will, how about you come back to mine and ill prove you wrong" 

"Ha, no way" 

"Why not, I won’t try anything, I swear

"That doesn't mean anything" human promises meant nothing, they don't stand by them.

"I give you my word" 

"Nope, sorry have to find someone else to satisfy you today" 

"I said I wouldn't try anything"

"You said it doesn't mean that you won’t"

"I won’t". I shook my head and put my helmet on, getting on my bike, I started up the engine feeling a jolt beneath me, the engine purred and I pulled out of the parking space and out of the school. Ashton was starting to bug me, I knew he wouldn’t give up until he got what he wants, and he was exactly like Jace and Luke. 

Ashton - Ashton Irwin Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora