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Juvia POV

Juvia hasn't gone on a mission in a while. Juvia should go on one. Juvia Quickly get into an outfit; and fix my hair, and add in some light makeup.

After that Juvia goes to the guild to look for a job. The minute Juvia walks in there is an argument going on. Juvia was surprised; but not surprised at who was arguing. It's Gajeel and Gray. They both are staring each other down. Focused completely on it.

Juvia quickly goes in between them; and try to resolve the situation before it escalates. "Gajeel, Juvia hasn't seen you in forever!" Juvia says joyfully. Gajeel smiles and holds open his arms for Juvia.

"It has been forever Juvia." Gajeel says. "Cough" Gray says after a minute of Gajeel and Juvia talking.

"Gajeel just remember what I said." After gray says that. He leaves. Gajeel and Juvia are now alone.

"What was that about?" Juvia asks. He smiles and says "We were just having a conversation is all." Then he asks "How long have you two been together?"

Juvia smiles and says "We will be dating for a whole year in a month!" Gajeel says "Wow that's a long time."

"Yes it has been a while. Honestly Juvia never thought he would love Juvia; but he does." Juvia says happily.

Juvia's heart is so full right now. Gray makes Juvia happy. Really happy. It doesn't feel like its been that long; but Gray and Juvia have gotten a lot closer.

Gajeel smiles and says "It's good to see you happy." Then he says "Gray is a lucky man." Juvia smiles.

After saying goodbye to Gajeel Juvia heads over to the job board. Let's see there are a lot of missions. Hm there is one about thieves that looks pretty good. It's a few towns over and there offering a good reward.

Juvia grabs the job then tells Makorave where she is going. She got the go ahead so she quickly pacts her clothes. Then Juvia heads to the train tracts.

She sits down; and gets comfortable. It's going to be a long ride. It'll take 30 minutes to get there by train. 

After the train ride Juvia arrives in the town called Laputa. It's a smaller town; but it does have a dock.

Juvia can't way to look around the city! It'll be great exploring. Right now though Juvia has to complete her mission.

So the person who wants the job done is the mayor. So the first thing Juvia needs to do is find the mayor.

Juvia tries to find her way there; but after several dead ends she asks for help. She finds a towns person willing to help her.

The towns person was a boy around her age. He has blonde hair; and green eyes. Plus he is pretty tan. "Exercise me; but do you think you could show Juvia where the mayors house is?" The man  laughs this deep throaty laugh; and says "Sure I'll escort you there.. Juvia was it?"

Juvia smiles and the man shows me the way. We pass by house after house; and the man is pretty funny as he cracks jokes.

All to soon we arrive at the mayors house. It's nice having people not know Juvia was the rain woman. I definitely don't really miss it. This man does seem nice though; and charming. Juvia is sure he sweeps a lot of women of there feet with his moves. Gray is still more attractive. He is the complete opposite of this guy. Gray is brooding and this guy is like completely open.

Juvia enters the mayors office and tells the lady at the desk why she is here.

After waiting around for a while the mayor finally calls me in. He seems like a nice enough man. "Hello, you must be Juvia from the fairy tale guild right?"

"Yes sir. Juvia was just wondering if you could tell Juvia anything about these bandits." She says.

The mayor nods his head then says "A few months or so ago a visitor to the town was attacked by bandits. They took all of his belongings; and they keep robbing people. We've sent out people to go check them out; but none of them could defeat them. We later found out the reason why was because the bandits are wizards. That's why I sent out the reward." He looks very concerned for his town.

Juvia stands up and says " alright Juvia will help you." He smiles and says "Really thank you. We will have a member from the town escort you to the woods tomorrow."

After that Juvia found a motel and got a room. After taking a shower Juvia checked her messages. She got a ton of them from Gray.

Juvia is so happy. He sent me 10 text messages. Oh Juvia forgot to tell him where she is going. Oops no wonder why there are so many messages. 

Gray: Hey Juvia why don't we hang out after your done at the guild.

Gray: Juvia are you okay?

Gray: this isn't funny anymore Juvia. Just answer your phone.


A few more are like that. Better calm him before he explodes. I quickly call him.

Gray: Juvia there you are!!! You can't run of without telling anybody!!! I was worried.

Juvia: Sorry Gray, Juvia just hasn't gone on a mission in a while. Also had Juvia's phone on silent. Sorry Gray. Juvia should have told you.

Gray: a sigh. Well I'm just glad your all right. If you wanted to go on a mission so badly you could have just said so. Anyway how's your mission going?

Juvia: it's going really good. Juvia just talked to the mayor a little bit ago. They think these bandits are wizards. Juvia will have to see tomorrow. On the bright side Juvia is by water.

Gray: hm just be careful tomorrow. Alright it's getting late; and you have a big day tomorrow. Good night Juvia and I love you.

Juvia: goodnight and love you to Gray.

After that we hung up. Then Juvia got into bed. Tomorrow I'll start my search.

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