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Juvias P.O.V

Once I wake up I quickly get dressed; and ready to go. We make our way back to the forest where they were hiding. Our foot steps are quiet against the leaves; and twigs.

I lead Gray to a spot that we can hide in. Its surrounded by a bunch of trees so we should be covered. I listen for any sign of anyone coming. Our plan is to hide up here until they come.

Then we will descend from the tree to the ground below. Which should surprise them; and give us the advantage.

There is nothing for a while then Snap! We hear the twig snap. Gray slowly moves to take a look. He says "They are here." We will wait until they are calmly doing there normal things.

"Come on boss lets cook some food I am starving." One of them said. I am pretty sure it was Jace.  "Isabella why don't you go hunting for some food." It is a command that must be Junta there leader.

The Haru guy is the water user, Junta uses fire magic, Isabella uses arrow magic, and then there is Jace. I'm still not sure if he has magic.

Gray nudges me; and points down. So he wants us to attack right now? Alright. We get into position; and drop down. Once we land immediately we are on guard.

Junta quickly comes over; and uses his fire magic. Gray and I dodge the attack. All of a sudden I see Haru. He is a water mage to so I should be careful.

I quickly turn into my water body when Haru sends a water slicers my way. I wonder what happens when two water mages water meets? Oh well now is not the time Juvia.

I continuously dodge attack after attack. All of a sudden an arrow comes towards me. I quickly change to my water body; but I don't know if it will be enough. I am halfway to water body when it impacts.

It knocks the breath out of me; and I begin to fall. The last thing I see is gray running towards me.

Grays P.O.V

I am fighting the leader when all of a sudden Juvia drops to the ground. I quickly run over to her screaming "Juvia!" I bend down to her body to see the arrow imbedded. My blood boils at what has happened.

I quickly ice lance until I have defeated them. I rush over to Juvia; and take her back to the town. There I find the nearest magic hospital.

My heart is very heavy right now. I knew this job would be trouble. Please let her live through this. Please I cant take losing anybody else that is important.

The whole reason why I pushed her away is because I honestly don't want this to happen. I have lost so many people. The tears are pushing to be let lose; but I don't let them out.

We have been dating for two years now. The first time I talked to Gajeel about it was when we had only been together a year. He brought up the fact that one year is not long enough to know if you should move in with someone. That we should know more about each other.

Well the whole time I was waiting the more I got to know about Juvia the more I wanted her to move in with me. Usually I would wait longer to do that; but I have known Juvia for years. We did our Unison raid together for the first time. When we defeated Lyon and Meredy 

I told her it was because we worked so well together. Honestly I'm tired of waiting. Because of waiting I almost ruined my chances with Juvia. Granted that was my fault more than anything still.

We have both been waiting to long for this. Especially Juvia, I am really glad that she didn't give up on me.

Like she wanted to. In the beginning of our relation ship I would come into the guild; and stick by her side. Kind of like what she used to do to me. I know Juvia said that I didn't have to pretend to be her and her me. Its just that Juvia deserves everything that this world has to offer.

I sat in the waiting room for hours. Finally they came; and got me. Told me I  could visit her. My heart is pumping  a mile a minute. I'm nervous though I mean I don't want to see her lying on that hospital bed looking dead.

This is for Juvia though. I took a deep breath; and entered the hospital room. She was there on the bed. Breathing slowly and steadily. That made me feel slightly better.

She has some needles in her arms for the morphine. Sadly though she is asleep. She has a bandage over her wound.

I sit down; and grab her hands. They aren't cold, thank goodness they aren't cold. The tears flood my eyes as relief hits me. She is okay. She is going to be okay. This makes me extremely happy.

I look up at the sky; and say thank you for bringing her back to me. Then I fall asleep while holding her hand. A smile on my face.

I'm giving up on youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora