Revenge plot is over

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Grays POV

I can't believe Juvia is hanging out with Lyon. She's never liked him before. I hate the way the two of them are walking together.

Natsu and I followed them out here. I thought that Lucy was crazy for Natsu. I don't understand why they are doing this to us. Natsu looks really angry as well. His fists are clenched.

"Ha Ha Ha" We hear someone laughing. WE look up to see that its Juvia. She is laughing at Lyon. I don't like this. We just got together; and now she is hanging out with another guy.

Hm Juvia used to get jealous so easily that it was funny. Now I know how she feels. This is a terrible feeling; and I don't like it. Maybe I am being to controlling. I could be looking at this completely wrong.

Lyon reaches out to move a piece of hair away from her face. Okay maybe I am looking at this right. I am going break Lyons hands so he can never touch Juvia again.

Wow that would be something Juvia would say. Not me. With regret I realize that I am turning into Juvia.

Natsu and I followed them around all day. We went to the park with them, the mall, and a few other places. I can't believe that this is happening right now.

Natsu touches my shoulder and says "I'm going to talk to Lucy today. This has got to stop." I nod my head in agreement.

I left to go talk to Juvia about this whole situation. I just need to talk to her about everything that is going on right now. I need to know what's going on.

After passing several places I make it to Juvia's apartment building at Fairy Hills. I know Erza will yell at me; but this is an emergency. I'm sure she will understand my situation.

I call Erza using my phone after two rings she finally answers the phone.

"Hello?" She says while moving around something in the background.

"Hey Erza do you think you could let me into Fairy Hills?" I say hoping she is in a good mood today.

She sighs as she says "Gray you know that only girls are allowed in Fairy Hills.

I cant believe she is giving me this argument. "Look Erza I really need to speak to Juvia. It will only take an hour."

Please please please I think as I wait for her reply.

"Alright Gray I will let you in; but only for an hour." Erza says.

"Yes!!" I yell excitedly into the phone.

"Are you downstairs" She asks.

"Yes I am at the front door." I say while waiting impatiently.

After a few seconds Erza lets me in.
" Thanks" I say while finding Juvias room.

I stare at the door for a moment. How do I start this? Why is this so complicated.

I'll just ask her what's up with her hanging out with Lyon? No that's to forward I think while shaking my head.

Okay you can do this Gray. I reach my hand out, and touch the cold wooden door.

After about 10 seconds she answers. Juvia opens the door and says "Gray?" I can't help; but stare at Juvia.

Her gorgeous blue hair that is unique, and so very Juvia. Her blue eyes which always seemed to be filled with love.

Suddenly a hand waves over my face. I'm jolted out of my thoughts as I say "Sorry" while blushing a little for being caught at staring at her. 

She says "Do you want to come in" while she says it she smiles. I think my legs just got weak just by looking at her.

I say "Yes I would like to come in." Then I remember why I'm here.

Why am I suddenly nervous to ask her my questions? She leads us to her lounge. I sit on the couch; and Juvia says "Do you want anything to drink or eat?"

I shake my head. Then I grab her hand; and say "Juvia I need to talk to you."

She gets a puzzled look across he face; but she sits. Then says "What about?"

I say "Well you've been hanging out with Lyon for the past few days."

She nods as she says "Yeah Lyon and Sting wanted to hang out."

"Juvia do you have any feelings for Lyon?" She looks angry. Oh no I was afraid this would happen.

Then she laughs. Full on giggles at me as I just stare in surprise at her.

After a while she calms down and she says "Gray, Juvia loves you; and you know it. Juvia is just friends with Lyon." 

I smile in relief. "I love you to Juvia." Well I'm glad we got that all figured out.

After that I left Fairy Hills; and went to my house. Glad that we were able to resolve that issue.

I wonder how Natsu's talk with Lucy went.

I'll probably find out tomorrow when I see him. I just hope it went as well as my talk with Juvia.

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